From Fractals to Multifractals 265
where the quantity
µδµδ µδ
q(,)()/ ()
. The parameter q provides a scanning tool to scru-
tinize the denser and rarer regions of the measure m. For q > 1, regions where m has a high degree
of concentration are amplied, while for q < −1 regions with a small degree of concentration are
magnied. Finally, for q = 1, the measure itself is replicated; see Evertsz and Mandelbrot (1992) and
Chhabra and Jensen (1989) for further details. The function f(a (q)) thus gives the entropy dimension of
the distorted measure m(q, d) and characterizes the original measure m by analyzing the variation under
successive distortions driven by the parameter q. The singularity spectrum f(a (q)) takes its maximum
value for q = 0 and typically has a parabolic shape around this point (Figure 8.8). The number f(a (0)) =
a (0) = D(0) is the box dimension of the measure m, and the number f(a (1)) = a (1) = D(1) is the infor-
mation dimension. As an illustration, Figure 8.8A shows a comparison of the shapes of the singularity
spectrum f(a (q)) obtained from monofractal and multifractal sets, the Cantor set and a multiplicative
binomial process, respectively. Figure 8.8B illustrates how differences in the shape of the spectrum
f(a (q)) can be indicative of heart failure and then proposes an additional diagnostic tool. application: temperature stress in the calanoid copepod Temora Longicornis
The swimming behavior of the calanoid copepod Temora longicornis (Figure 4.18A, Section has been investigated under different conditions of temperatures representative of the
most extreme range of temperature that the species may encounter in its natural environment, that
is, from 4° to 28°C. T. longicornis were collected from the inshore waters of the eastern English
Channel using a WP2 net (200-μm mesh size) at a temperature of 16°C and a salinity of 32.5 PSU.
Specimens were diluted in buckets with surface waters, transported to the laboratory, and accli-
matized for 24 hours in 5-liter beakers lled with natural seawater. Prior to the experiments, adult
females (1.1 ± 0.1 mm, x¯ ± SD) were sorted by pipette under a dissecting microscope and left in
the behavioral container (a 2-liter, 20 × 20 × 5 cm Plexiglass container) lled with 0.45 μm ltered
natural seawater to acclimatize for 10 minutes at the experimental temperature (Seuront 2006). The
temperature treatments were randomized, and the resulting sequence of temperature treatments was
16, 8, 20, 4, 28, and 24°C. Groups of 5 individual females were considered for each temperature
treatment and their activity videotaped for 20 minutes.
The function f(a (q)) obtained for the successive displacements of T. longicornis generally exhibits
the single-humped shape, typical of multifractal patterns (Figure 8.9). For extreme (low and high)
temperatures, f(a (q)) are narrower, suggesting monofractality (Figure 8.9). As previously stressed
(Section, this shift between multifractality and monofractality may reect perturbation of the
physiological control mechanisms of motion behavior.
8.2.3 co d i m E n s i o n Fu n c T i o n c(g ) a n d sc a l i n g mo m E n T Fu n c T i o n K(q)
Consider an intermittent quantity—for example, the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate e
Figure 2.2 and Figure 8.1A)—where the subscript l refers to the scale ratio l = L/l where L and l are
the largest external scale and the resolution of the measurements, respectively. When l >> 1, inter-
mittency can be characterized by the statistical distribution of singularities (that is, intensities) g:
∝ l
and by the related probability density distribution (Schertzer and Lovejoy 1987):
≥ l
) ∝ l
where c(g) is a codimension function characterizing the singularities distribution. c(g) can be expressed
as a generalization of Equation (2.12) following:
c(g ) = D
− D(g) (8.22)
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