290 Fractals and Multifractals in Ecology and Aquatic Science
), together with their scale dependence and their moment dependence. This indicates if high-
intensity uctuations of one eld are highly correlated to low intensities of the other (or, in other
words, the gradients of two elds are proportional or inversely proportional) and the scales over
which these correlations occur. applications
The potential effect of varying turbulent forcing on the local structure of physical and biological
parameters has been investigated using structure function analysis in Section on the basis
of 24 time series of temperature, salinity, and in vivo uorescence (Figures 8.11 and 8.12). Those
results demonstrated that temperature and salinity uctuations remained similar under different
turbulent and tidal forcings, while in vivo uorescence (that is, phytoplankton biomass) clearly
exhibited more intermittent uctuations during ebb tide than ood tide and under conditions of low
turbulence. However, this does not provide any information on the nature of biophysical couplings
and their relation to turbulence and tide. This issue is investigated here using the generalized cor-
relation functions and exponents introduced in Section
The nature of the dependence between temperature and phytoplankton distributions has
been assessed through the generalized correlation functions, c(p, q) and the related generalized
correlation exponents, r(p, q), between temperature and uorescence time series, for each of
the 24 time series mentioned above. Figure 8.19 shows the GCF, c(p, q), plotted in log-log plots
versus the time scale t, for simultaneously recorded temperature and uorescence time series
for ebb tides (Figure 8.19A) and ood tides (Figure 8.19B), as well as for temperature and uo-
rescence time series taken at different moments of the tidal cycle, and a fortiori independent
(Figure 8.20A). Both the power-law behavior of the functions c(p, q) over the whole range of
available scales, and the positive values taken by the GCE, r(p, q), indicate a form of depen-
dence between temperature and uorescence uctuations. In addition, the values of the func-
tions c(p, q) are smaller during ood tide (Figure 8.19A) than during ebb tide (Figure 8.19B),
suggesting a differential correlation between temperature and phytoplankton biomass uctua-
tions controlled by tidal processes. On the other hand, the weak values taken by the functions
c(p, q) estimated between independent temperature and uorescence time series (Figure 8.20A)
indicate a low correlation between temperature and phytoplankton biomass uctuations, 〈(ΔT
and 〈(ΔF
〉. This is conrmed by the related values of the functions r(p, q), which remain close
to zero, whatever the combinations of p and q values (Figure 8.20B).
These observations were rened comparing the functions r(p, q) obtained between temperature
and uorescence time series in different tidal and turbulent conditions. Figure 8.21 shows the func-
tions r(p, q) obtained for all combinations of p and q values (between 0.5 and 5) with 0.1 increments
for three levels of turbulence (10
, 10
, and 10
) during ebb and ood tides, respectively. In
both case, the correlation between temperature and uorescence uctuations increases with increas-
ing hydrodynamic conditions (Figure 8.21A,B,D,E) and is weaker, even nil, in low turbulent con-
ditions (Figure 8.21C,F). On the other hand, the decorrelation observed between temperature and
phytoplankton uctuations during both ebb and ood tides under weak turbulent conditions sug-
gests an increase in the biological contributions to the control of phytoplankton biomass distribution
and conrms previous observations (cf. Figure 8.12). Phytoplankton uctuations then appear inde-
pendent from the temperature uctuations under the lowest turbulence levels investigated here, that
is, 5 × 10
(Figure 8.21C,F). This conrms the differential physical control suggested under
strong turbulent conditions from the analysis of the shape of the function z
(q), and its comparison
with the function z
(q) (see Figure 8.12).
More specically, the overall shape of the functions r(p, q) indicates that large phytoplankton
uctuations are associated, under strong enough turbulent conditions, to strong temperature gradi-
ents, and vice versa. This tendency seems to reect, over a slightly wider range of scales, ndings
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