From Fractals to Multifractals 283
phase relationships of the various sines and cosines making up the Fourier decomposition of the data
may indeed lead qualitatively very distinct signals to return a k
spectral slope (see Franks 2005,
Figure 13). It is, however, acknowledged that a careful examination of the raw data to identify specic
features (for example, rst- and second-order stationarity) that might be driving the spectral slope is an
absolute prerequisite to spectral analysis (Bloomeld 2000), and ultimately to any type of time series
analysis; see, for example, Chateld (2003), Kantz and Schreiber (2004), and Wei (2005).
Franks (2005) found that the power spectra of images of phytoplankton uorescence gathered
with an imaging uorometer were “white” (b = 0) over nearly two decades. He subsequently
claimed that “the few, large, intensely uorescent cells” that occur over a background of low
uorescence—and might somehow be related to the uorescence intermittent hot spots clearly
visible in Figure 8.14d—“cause the spectrum to be at, or white.” To support this statement and
his empirical ndings, under the assumption that uorescence hotspots behave as delta functions,
he created 400 data series of 256 points with 20 randomly placed delta functions, calculated their
spectra, averaged them, and plotted the average spectrum, which was at. Similarly, he showed that
randomly adding 30 delta functions of increasing amplitudes to a synthetic data set 256 points long
created from 30 sine waves whose amplitude was determined by a k
spectral slope lowers the
slope of the spectrum from k
with no spikes to k
when the spikes were 5× the amplitude of the
largest sine wave. As stated by Franks (2005), it is agreed that “spikes in plankton could arise from
any number of causes that have nothing to do with mixing in 3D isotropic turbulence.” However,
to consider that uorescence hotspots—whether they are created by large cells, aggregates, pieces
of seaweed, or zooplankton guts—behave as randomly distributed delta functions is a very strong
assumption. This implies that the distribution of these hotspots follows a Markovian process, thus
returning a “white,” memoryless power spectrum, which contradicts (1) many empirical works that
have found spectral slopes signicantly different from zero for nutrients, phyto- and zooplankton
distributions (Tsuda et al. 1993; Seuront et al. 1996a, 1999, 2002; Mountain and Taylor 1996; Wiebe
et al. 1996; Lovejoy et al. 2001; Pershing et al. 2001); and (2) more specic investigations speci-
cally dealing with the scaling properties of intermittent behaviors in nutrient, phytoplankton, and
zooplankton (Seuront et al. 1996a, 1996b, 1999, 2002; Seuront and Lagadeuc 2001; Lovejoy et al.
2001; Seuront 2005b). In addition, from a purely methodological point of view, the power spectrum
resulting from randomly placed delta functions will intrinsically return a “white” behavior because
the Fourier transform of a delta function is a constant, that is, a white spectrum. In contrast, there is
no assumption related to the use of structure functions, which would pick up the stochastic proper-
ties of any intermittent eld whatever they are, that is, at or steep spectra.
The role of intermittent uctuations on power spectral slopes is claried hereafter on both theoret-
ical and empirical grounds. From Equations (8.67) and (8.73), Equation (4.23) can be rewritten as:
Ek k
/( /( ))(( /) /)
−− −−
53 12323
This leads to a slope steeper than 5/3 because z
(2) < 0 (see Equation 8.73). Using C
= 0.15 and
= 1.50 for atmospheric turbulence and C
= 0.16 and a
= 1.55 for oceanic turbulence (Seuront
et al. 2005) in Equation (8.82) leads to b
(k) = 1.70. Similarly, from Equation (8.67) and (8.74),
Equation (4.24) is rewritten as:
Ek k
[(/( ))(( ))]
−+ −−−12 12 2
Using C
= 0.04 and a
= 1.70 for in vivo uorescence advected by fully developed turbulence in
the coastal waters of the eastern English Channel in Equation (8.83) leads to b
(k) = 1.77. Both
intermittent turbulent velocity uctuations and intermittent in vivo uorescence uctuations
lead to a spectral slope steeper than the theoretical b
(k) = 5/3 expected under nonintermittent
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