254 Fractals and Multifractals in Ecology and Aquatic Science
also be found in energy resources (Asmus 2003; Anderson and Leach 2004). In the eld of dynami-
cal systems, intermittency has been related to several types of transitions to chaos and classied as
types I, II, and III intermittency when the system under consideration is in proximity to the saddle
node, Hopf, and reverse period doubling bifurcation (Pomeau and Manneville 1980). By analogy to
the bifurcation diagrams detailed in Section 6.1.1 (Figure 6.3 and Figure 6.4), in these three types
of intermittency, the temporal evolution of a system can be divided into ranges of the time in which
the behavior of the system is almost periodic (that is, laminar phases) and exhibits chaotic bursts.
Chaos-chaos intermittency is due to crisis phenomena occurring in the system (Ott 1993, 2002)
and the on-off intermittency is due to a symmetry breaking bifurcation (Pikovsky 1984; Platt et al.
1993). Practically, the identication of the type of the intermittency observed may yield important
information about a system by dening the bifurcations possible for its dynamics (see, for example,
ebrowski and Baranowski 2004; Alvarez-Llamoza et al. 2008).
The phenomenon of intermittency has widely been mixed up with its statistical consequences,
and thus generally poorly dened even in specialized monographs. The literature, hence, recur-
rently refers to intermittency through statements such as “the kurtosis is a useful measure of inter-
mittency for signals having a bursty aspect” (Frisch 1996), “the signals tended to become bursty
when the order of differentiation is increased” (Frisch 1996), “most of the time the gradients would
still be of the order of magnitude of their standard deviation, but occasionally we should expect
stronger bursts, more often than in the Gaussian case” (Jiménez 1997), “the discrepancies between
the Kolmogorov predictions and the experimental values of the high-order moments” (Pope 2000),
and “we occasionally should expect stronger bursts than expected in a non-intermittent, homoge-
neous turbulence, which accentuate the skewness of a given probability distribution, causing it to
deviate from Gaussianity” (Seuront et al. 2001).
The production of turbulence is not a continuous process but usually has an intermittent
character and the turbulence appears as bursts (Svendsen 1997). This intermittency has been
acknowledged as “a common phenomenon in many complex systems, and a natural consequence
of cascades” (Jiménez 2000). Intermittency has also been related to the coherent nature of turbu-
lence and the presence of strong vortices, with diameters on the order of 10 times the Kolmogorov
length scale l
, l
= (n
where n is the kinematic viscosity (m
) and e the turbulent kinetic
energy dissipation rate (m
) (Siggia 1981; Jiménez et al. 1993; Jiménez and Wray 1994). The
term intermittency has alternatively been coined to describe “the phenomena connected with
the local variability of the dissipation” (Jiménez 1998) as well as “instantaneous gradients of
scalars such as temperature, salinity or nutrients, greatest at scales similar to the Kolmogorov
microscale” (Gargett 1997).
Pope (2000), and more recently Jiménez (2006) in the Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics,
distinguished external from internal intermittencies. External intermittency refers to the coex-
istence of turbulent and laminar regions in inhomogeneous turbulent ows, such as in bound-
ary layers or in free-shear layers. The interface between laminar irrotational ow and turbulent
vortical uid is typically sharp and corrugated (Jiménez 2006). As a consequence, an observer
sitting near the edge of the layer is immersed in turbulent uid only part of the time and hence
experiences an intermittently turbulent ow. In this context, an intermittent ow is characterized
by a uid motion that is “sometimes laminar and sometimes turbulent” (Pope 2000). For the engi-
neering community in uid mechanics, intermittency is also viewed as a transition between lami-
nar and turbulent ows. Specically, Wilcox (1998) considers that “approaching the freestream
from within the boundary layer, the ow is not always turbulent. Rather, it is sometimes laminar
and sometimes turbulent, that is, it is intermittent.” Internal intermittency (Pope 2000; Jiménez
2006) is specically related to the increasingly non-Gaussian properties of velocity uctuations
as spatial separation increases. This property is responsible for the long tails of the probability
distributions of the velocity derivatives.
A more intuitive denition that can directly be applied in ecology stated that “this form of vari-
ability reects heterogeneous distributions with a few dense patches and a wide range of low density
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