4.1 Field Equations 99
Another important phenomenon belongs to the construction of a control due
to the external sources (r,t)andj(r,t). These quantities are not completely
independent from each other, because the second group of the Maxwell equa-
tions automatically requires the balance equation
+div j = 0 (4.21)
as a constraint for the sources.
Maxwell equations are of great importance for the control of transmitting
and receiving areals [9, 10], for the field controlled phase transition [10, 11]in
magnetic materials, or for the optimization of laser beams [12, 13].
In addition to the few classical examples presented here, the modern
physics knows a large set of further canonical field theories, e.g., the gen-
eral gravitation theory or the theory of Dirac fields. But a detailed discussion
of all these interesting theories would lead us too far. Here, we refer to the
large fundus of textbooks and monographs [14, 15, 16, 17, 18].
4.1.2 Hydrodynamic Field Equations
There exists a large class of field theories besides the canonical ones. A char-
acteristic property of these theories is that they cannot generally be reduced
to a physically reasonable Lagrangian. A standard example of these types of
field equations is the evolution equations for liquids and gases. The state of
a liquid is mathematically described by the three-dimensional velocity field
v(r,t) and two other thermodynamic quantities, for example, the local pres-
sure p(r,t) and the density (r,t). Thus, the field state is defined by the five
components of Ψ =(v,p,). Obviously, the use of these state variables as ba-
sic elements of a field theory requires a continuously smeared liquid. In other
words, such a theory fails for too short length scales of an order of magni-
tude of the liquid molecules. On the other hand, the concept of a continuous
smearing of a discrete structure to a field has a widespread application also
for other field theoretic descriptions. Therefore, the transition from a discrete
structure of a many-body problem to a continuous description is often called
the hydrodynamic limit.
The five components of the hydrodynamic field Ψ require five field equa-
tions. The first equation is the mass balance
+div v = Q, (4.22)
where the right-hand side describes the effects of possible positive and neg-
ative liquid sources injecting and removing matter. But these sources must
be located at the surface of the hydrodynamic system so that the right-hand
side contributions can be installed in the boundary conditions. The remaining
bulk material balance always requires Q =0.
The second field equation concerns the velocity field. This vector equation
represents the balance of the momenta and consists of the components