2 1 Introduction
Obviously the main disadvantage of an open-loop control type is the lack
of sensitivity to the dynamics of the controlled system in its time-dependent
environment, because there is no direct connection between the output of
the system and its input. Therefore, the external control plays an important
role especially for systems with a few degrees of freedom and reproducible
boundary conditions.
To avoid the problems of the external control it is necessary to introduce
feedback mechanisms. The output of the system is fed back to any change of
the current dynamics of the system to a desired reference dynamics. environ-
ment. The controller measures the difference between the reference dynamics
and the output, i.e., the current error, to change the inputs to the system.
This kind of control is also denoted as a closed-loop control or feedback con-
trol. In the case of our example, a feedback control may be realized by con-
necting the autopilot with instruments which measure position, altitude, and
flight-direction of the airplane so that each deviation from the course may
be immediately corrected. Another possibility of obtaining a closed-loop con-
trol is to enlarge formally the current system “airplane” to the more complex
system “human pilot and airplane”.
A real dividing line between systems which are favored for an exclusive ex-
ternal control or an exclusive feedback control cannot be defined. The choice
of an appropriate control mechanism especially for technological systems is
the task of control engineering. This discipline focuses on the mathematical
modeling of systems of a diverse nature, analyzing their dynamic behavior,
and using control theory to make a controller that will cause the systems to
behave in a desired manner. The field of control within chemical engineer-
ing is often known as process control. It deals primarily with the control of
variables in a chemical process in a plant. We expect definitely an increasing
number and increasing variety of the intrinsic control mechanisms if the de-
gree of complexity of the system under control increases. The predominant
part of the control mechanisms of extremely complex systems is mostly a
result of a hierarchical self-organization. Typical examples of such more or
less self-controlled systems are biological organisms and social or economic
systems with an enormous number of, partially still nonenlightened, control
The control of a system may be realized by different methods. Small phys-
ical systems may be sufficiently controlled by a change of boundary condi-
tions and the variation of external fields while more complex systems become
controllable via various flexible system parameters or by the injection and
extraction, respectively, of energy or matter. But we remark that all possible
variable quantities of a system are basically usable for a control. In the frame-
work of control theory all quantities which may be used for a control of the
system are defined as input or control function u(t)={u
The control mechanisms alone are not the main topic of control theory.
This theory connects the system under control and especially their control
mechanisms with a certain control aim as an optimalization criterion. In the