1.3 Dynamic State of Complex Systems 7
Complex systems are composed of many particles, or objects, or elements
that may be of the same or different kinds. The elements may interact in a
more or less complicated fashion by more or less nonlinear couplings.
In order to give this formal definition a physical context, we should quali-
tatively discuss some typical systems that may be denoted truly complex.
The various branches of science offer us numerous examples, some of which
turn out to be rather simple, whereas others may be called truly complex. Let
us start with a simple physical example. Granular matter is composed of
many similar granules. Shape, position, and orientation of the components
determine the stability of granular systems. The complete set of the particle
coordinates and of all shape parameters defines the actual structure.
Furthermore, under the influence of external force fields, the granules move
around in quite an irregular fashion, whereby they perform numerous more or
less elastic collisions with each other. A driven granular system is a standard
example of a complex system. The permanent change of the structure due to
the influence of external fields and the interaction between the components is
a characteristic feature of complex systems.
Another standard complex system is Earth’s climate, encompassing all
components of the atmosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, and oceans and con-
sidering the effects of extraterrestrial processes such as solar radiation and
tides. Computers and information networks are interpreted as another class
of complex systems. This is especially so with respect to hardware dealing
with artificial intelligence, where knowledge and learning processing will be
replacing the standard algebra of logic.
In biology, we are again dealing with complex systems. Each higher ani-
mal consists of various strongly interacting organs with an enormous number
of complex functions and intrinsic control mechanisms. Each organ contains
many partially very strong specialized cells that cooperate in a well-regulated
Probably the most complex organ is the human brain, composed of 10
nerve cells. Their collective interaction allows us to recognize visual and
acoustic patterns, to speak, or to perform other mental functions. Each living
cell is composed of a complicated nucleus, ribosomes, mitochondria, mem-
branes, and other constituents, each of which contain many further compo-
nents. At the lowest level, we observe many simultaneously acting biochemical
processes, such as the duplication of DNA sequences or the formation of pro-
This hierarchy can also be continued in the opposite direction. Animals
themselves form different kinds of societies. Probably the most complex sys-
tem in our world is the global human society, especially the economy, with
its numerous participants (such as managers, employers, and consumers) its
capital goods (such as machines, factories, and research centers), its natural
resources, its traffic, and its financial systems, which provides us with another
large class of complex systems. Economic systems are embedded in the more