34 2 Deterministic Control Theory
types may be rewritten into (2.52). The time t belongs to the interval [0,T]
with T<∞. The state variable X = X(t) with X = {X
} repre-
sents a trajectory through the N -dimensional phase space P of the underlying
system. The second group is the set of the control variables u = u(t) with
u = {u
}. The set of all allowed control variables form the control
space U.
Furthermore, we consider some constraints, which may be written as a
system of differential equations
X(t)=F (X, u, t) . (2.53)
In principle, these equations can be interpreted as the evolution equations
of the system under control. We remark that functional (2.8) can be easily
transformed into (2.52) by introducing N additional control variables and
(t)forα =1,...,N . (2.54)
In this sense, the mechanical equations of motion discussed above mathemat-
ically in details can be reformulated. The Lagrangian L = T (
X) −U(X)now
becomes the form L = T (u) − U(X) and we have to consider N constraints
X(t)=u. But the application of the concept defined by functional (2.52)and
the evolution equations (2.53) is much larger as the framework of classical
mechanics. Equations (2.53) may also represent the kinetics of chemical or
other thermodynamic nonequilibrium processes, the time-dependent changes
of electrical current and voltage in electronic systems or the flow of matter,
energy, or information in a transport network. But many other applications
are also possible.
Another remark belong to the control functions. These quantities should
be free in the sense that the control variables have no dynamic constraints.
This means that a reasonable control problem contains no derivatives of the
control functions u(t). In other words, if a certain problem contains derivatives
of n
control functions, we have to declare these functions as additional de-
grees of freedom of the phase space. Thus, the reformulated problem has only
n −n
independent control variables, but the dimension of the phase space is
extended to N + n
. On the other hand, state variables the dynamics of which
is not defined by an explicit evolution equation of type (2.53) are not real dy-
namical variables. These free variables should be declared as control variables.
Finally, constraints of the form of simple equalities, g(t, X(t),u(t)) = 0, should
be used for the elimination of some free state variables or control functions
before the optimization procedure is carried out. That means, m independent
constraints of the simple equality type reduce the dimension of the common
space P × U from N + n to N + n − m.
In summary, the control problems considered now are defined by functional
(2.52), by N evolution equations of type (2.53) for the N components of the
state vector X,andbyn free control functions collected in the n-dimensional
vector u. Such problems occur in natural sciences as well as in technology,
economics, and other scientific fields.