Preface IX
systems. This idea allows us to describe control mechanisms on the basis
of modern physical concepts, such as Hamiltonian equations, deterministic
chaos, self-organization, scaling laws, renormalization group techniques, and
complexity, and also traditional ideas of Newtonian mechanics, linear stability,
classical field theory, fluctuations, and response theory.
The first chapter covers important notations of the control theory of sim-
ple and complex systems. In the subsequent chapter, the basic formulation
of the deterministic control theory is presented. On the one hand, the close
relationship between the concept of classical mechanics and control theoreti-
cal approaches will be demonstrated. On the other hand, several fundamental
rules are presented on an immediate rigorous level. This approach requires
thorough mathematical language. The main topic in this chapter is the max-
imum principle of Pontryagin, which allows us to separate the dynamics of
deterministic systems under control in an optimization problem and a well-
defined set of equations of motion. The third chapter focuses on a frequent
class of deterministic control problems: the linear quadratic problems. Such
problems occur in a very natural way – if a weak deviation from a given nom-
inal curve should be optimally controlled. Several tools and concepts estimat-
ing the stability of controlled systems and several linear regulator problems,
which are important especially for the control of technological devises, will
also be discussed here.
The control of fields, another mainly physically motivated class of control
problems, will be discussed in the next chapter. After a brief discussion of
several field theories, the generalized Euler-Lagrange equations for the field
control are formulated. Furthermore, the control of physical, and also other
fields via controllable sources and boundary conditions, are briefly presented.
Chaos control, controllability, and observability are the key points of the
fifth chapter. This part of the book is essentially addressed to dynamic sys-
tems with a moderate number of degrees of freedoms and therefore a moderate
degree of complexity. In principle, such systems are the link between the de-
terministic mechanical systems and the complex systems with a pronounced
probabilistic character. Systems offering a deterministic chaotic behavior are
often observed at mesoscopic spatial scales. In particular, we will present some
concepts for stabilization and synchronization of usually unstable determinis-
tic systems.
In the subsequent chapter the basis for the probabilistic description of the
control of the complex system is formulated. Whereas all previous chapters
focus on the control of deterministic processes, now begins the presentation
of control concepts belonging to systems with partial information or several
types of intrinsic uncertainties. Obviously, an applicable description of a com-
plex system requires the definition of a set of relevant degrees of freedom. The
price one has to pay is that one gets practically no information about the re-
maining irrelevant degrees of freedom. As a consequence, the theoretical basis
used for the analysis of sufficiently complex systems can be described as an
essentially probabilistic theory. Chapter 6 gives an introduction to the basics