and magenta, and the diagonal line from the black to the white corner is the range
of grey scale values. RGB color is additive, because the intensities along the red,
green, and blue axes add together to produce perceived colors. The same orthogonal
axes describe printing technology using cyan, magenta and yellow (CMY) inks.
Printing is subtractive, because the white paper provides the background and inks
reduce brightness. Combinations of the three inks are plotted along the CMY axes
to describe colors within the space.
As noted above, RGB space describes how much of the hardware involved in
imaging works, but not how humans perceive color. Other color coordinate systems
provide different ways to identify points in this space. They do not map directly
onto the RGB cube, but rather involve various distortions of the space that stretch
some regions and compress others. Equations that provide the mathematical con-
version to and from the various coordinate systems are typically applied by computer
programs as needed.
A description of color that seems to correspond well to human perception is
HSI (hue-saturation-intensity) There are several variants of these coordinates, which
may be plotted as a cylinder, a cone, or a double cone (Figure 2.14b), and may be
described as HSB (hue-saturation-brightness), HSL (lightness), or HSV (value). The
common characteristic of all these variations is a circular (or approximately circular)
hue-saturation map. The center of this circle is a colorless grey scale value. Radial
distance from the center point is saturation, a measure of the amount of color present.
The difference between pink and red, for example, is saturation. The angle of the
direction from the center point is the hue, which is what most people mean by color.
This hue-saturation circle is the color wheel children learn about in Kindergarten.
The colors progress from red to orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, magenta, and
back to red around the circumference of the circle. The brightness axis is perpen-
dicular to the color wheel.
Most people find describing colors using HSI parameters to be quite understand-
able, but the spaces are very inconvenient mathematically. The hue angle varies from
0 to 360 degrees starting at red, but a hue of 5 degrees (slightly to the orange of
red) and one of 355 degrees (slightly to the magenta of red) average to red, so the
angle values must be used modulo 360 in calculations. Furthermore, the maximum
saturation varies with brightness. It is not possible to add color to a completely black
value without increasing brightness, or to introduce color into a completely white
value without reducing at least one of colors and with it the total brightness. But
this is the space in which most image processing is best performed.
A similar but mathematically more convenient coordinate system that can also
be used is L-a-b, a spherical space with orthogonal coordinates (Figure 2.14c). The
vertical axis from the south pole to the north pole of the sphere is luminance, while
the a and b axes mark the variation from red to green and from yellow to blue,
respectively. Note that the central color wheel in this space is not quite the same as
in HSI, but is distorted to place red, yellow, green, and blue at 90 degree intervals
around the periphery. A radial line from the grey center would be expected to
represent an increase in saturation with no change in hue, but this is only approxi-
mately true because of the distortion. Page 78 Thursday, April 28, 2005 10:23 AM
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