The fleet would be ‘placed in the most advantageous manner for the
protection of our outward- and homeward- bound trade, and for the
cutting up that of Spain’. The presence of British naval forces at Lisbon
‘would probably be the means of preserving to us the friendship and
ports of Portugal, without which we shall in a very short time have no
port in Europe freely open to our trade south of Emden’.
Sir John Jervis, Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean Fleet,
agreed there was ‘no port on the coast of Portugal, except the Tagus,
which will admit even a large sloop of war’, if Lisbon could not be util-
ised then he could not ‘advise the continuance of the fleet in these seas,
because the public will be led to expect what cannot be performed, and
with every possible exertion the preservation of the health of the crews,
nay, even the maintenance of them, is very doubtful’. Gibraltar was not
an option, its repair facilities were not on a par with Lisbon, victuals and
stores would not be secure, and the Royal Navy’s very presence there
would provide a focus for Spanish attacks and bombardments. It could
also be difficult for ships to enter the Mediterranean from Gibraltar.
Another option was basing the fleet at the Bayona Islands off the port of
Vigo, but again there were problems with supply, it ‘would require
greater resources and exertions that your lordship can possibly be aware
of, or indeed any one who has not been employed in a co-operation with
troops’. Also, a fleet stationed there would be too distant to watch over
Jervis had in fact utilised the facilities at Lisbon for the repair of his
ships in late 1796.
In March 1797 Commissioner Libra, formerly of the
Naval Department at Porto Ferraio, now took a similar position at Lis-
In April 1797 Jervis praised the Royal Navy representatives at
Lisbon. In particular Captain Isaac Coffin, the former Navy Commis-
sioner at Leghorn, was now overseeing the repairs at Lisbon. Jervis also
recommended Mr Churchill ‘the master shipwright at Lisbon’ as an offi-
cer who ‘will not disgrace any situation you may think fit to place him
in’. By their efforts, and those of the Portuguese Minister of Marine, all
Jervis’ ships had been repaired.
Lisbon provided British merchant ships and convoys with a place of
refuge if enemy fleets were at sea or if, as happened in 1796, the coast of
Portugal was swarming with Spanish and French privateers.
troublesome were the Spanish row boats, which could operate out of any
river or bay. With the Royal Navy withdrawn from the Mediterranean in
1797 John Turnbull, the Chairman to the Merchants trading to the Medi-