try proposed to France exchanging the area for control of Bavarian terri-
tory: a nightmare scenario for Britain. Although France founded the
Batavian Republic in 1795 the area remained a prime theatre for British
military operations. In 1799 an Anglo-Russian expedition was des-
patched to the Helder while a decade later in 1809 a massive amphibious
operation was launched against the French naval facilities at Walcheren.
In 1813 Castlereagh would write that to leave Antwerp in the hands of
the French, ‘is little short of imposing upon Great Britain the charge of a
perpetual war establishment’.
Famously, of course, the battle of Water-
loo was fought on the road to Antwerp. As long as France occupied the
Low Countries Britain could never feel safe.
Though an independent Low Countries, or at least a state free of
French influence, was the prime British war aim, there was some need to
tie British, or British subsidised, military and naval forces to other British
interests. In Europe the Baltic and Mediterranean had to be kept open to
British shipping. Of crucial importance for British maritime power, the
Baltic was the single most important source of naval stores, such as iron,
tar, timber for masts, planking and decks, pitch, tallow and linseed, while
Russia supplied 90 per cent of the navy’s hemp.
To take just one exam-
ple of this maritime trade, 1,011 British ships left Russian ports in
The river Elbe was a major artery into Central Europe for British
trade and in return a conduit for important grain shipments from Prus-
sia. British exports in 1806 to Russia, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Prus-
sia and the German States totalled £9,375,000.
British maritime trade was also important in the Mediterranean, to the
Ottoman Porte and Italy, though with the Levant Company imports only
valued at £175,000 in 1803
and the entire value of exports to Southern
Europe totalling £2,684,000 in 1806;
it was obviously of less impor-
tance than the Northern European markets. A key interest was strategic:
the British Mediterranean fleet could blockade the French fleet base at
Toulon, but, denied access to Port Mahon, Minorca, utilised the harbour
at Valetta, Malta. But as Malta could not feed itself it was important to
have friendly relations with Sicily to provide a ready source of victuals.
The region also had important diplomatic considerations for Britain.
With Austria the main anti-French protagonist and many of the cam-
paigns of the French Revolutionary Wars taking place in Northern Italy
it provided an important communications route for British diplomacy
with Austria and Russia. The Mediterranean theatre took on increased
strategic importance to Britain as France intervened and expanded di-