On 25 September 1806 Commodore Samuel Hood intercepted a
French frigate squadron from Rochefort bound for the West Indies and
laden with troops, stores, arms, ammunition and provisions, capturing
four fine 40 gun frigates, all of which were added to the Royal Navy.
Again in 1806 a French squadron under Commodore L’Hermitte had
cruised off the African coast and then proceeded to Brazil to refit.
‘Though largely ineffective and ultimately costly to the French’, one
source has noted ‘here was clear evidence of the ‘the potential danger to
British trade from the West Indies, India and China posed by their pres-
ence at large in the Atlantic’.
In 1807, while blockading Cadiz, Admiral
Cuthbert Collingwood expressed concern that the French and Spanish
fleets would escape, perhaps heading for the Mediterranean, East or
West Indies. After the British attack on South America (see below), the
Spaniards were ‘impatient to get a reinforcement out to their colonies,
the security of their Southern provinces depends upon it, and they will
probably sail whenever the coast is clear’.
In February 1808 a fleet of
10 French battleships sailed from Toulon, and cruised at will around
Corfu, the Ionian Islands, Sicily and Sardinia, before finally anchoring in
Toulon on 10 April.
Here was the real danger of French naval actions
after Trafalgar. The French navy would compound the exclusion of Brit-
ish commerce from Continental Europe by disrupting the sea lines of
communication to interrupt British maritime trade with the object of
undermining the British economy.
If predatory cruises by existing enemy squadrons were transitory
threats to British maritime security, a long-term danger was posed by
French naval building plans. Although Napoleon had seemingly aban-
doned his plans to invade the British Isles by marching the Grande Ar-
mée to the East in 1805, there was a continued threat that France might
gain local naval superiority at some point vital to British interests. Napo-
leon’s determination to reconstruct his naval forces would be achieved in
two ways: an ambitious rebuilding programme and attempts to seize the
navies of the European neutral powers.
In the years immediately after 1805 Britain had a total of 296 ships
(136 ships-of-the-line and 160 frigates) while France and her allies could
only muster 167 ships (96 ships-of-the-line and 71 frigates).
But French
rebuilding plans began to bear fruit during 1806-1808 when 24 ships-of-
the-line were launched or acquired.
France continued to lay down new
ships at an alarming rate: in 1806 eight to the five laid down by the Royal
Navy; in 1807 the figures were 12 and 11 respectively. It was only in