Usually proportional counters are filled with argon (or sometimes xenon),
with added methane (typically 10%). The X-rays enter through a ‘window’
which, for long wavelengths, must be so thin (to minimise absorption) that it is
not completely gas-tight, necessitating a continuous supply of gas to compen-
sate for leakage (‘flow counter’). For shorter wavelengths a thicker, imper-
vious, window can be employed, the counter being sealed for life (‘sealed
counter’). This type of counter is usually filled with xenon because of its greater
absorption of short-wavelength X-rays, though sometimes an argon flow
counter with increased gas pressure is used instead.
A ‘tandem’ configuration with a flow counter in front and a sealed counter
behind (the former with an exit window as well as an entrance window)
provides efficient detection of all wavelengths. This arrangement is especially
appropriate for SEMs fitted with only one WD spectrometer. In multi-
spectrometer instruments each spectrometer usually has a counter dedicated
to either short or long wavelengths.
Pulse-height analysis
As described in the preceding section, the mean amplitude of the output pulses
from a proportional counter is proportional to the energy of the detected
X-ray photons. However, the ionisation of the gas is subject to statistical
fluctuations, causing variations in height. Ideally the pulse-height distribution
conforms to a Gaussian distribution function (Fig. 5.2), the width of which
varies as E
. However, broadening and asymmetry may occur because of
contamination of the anode wire, which can be tolerated up to a point, but
eventually it becomes necessary to replace the counter. Also, at high count-
rates depression of the mean pulse height and broadening of the distribution
may also occur owing to the high density of positive ions around the anode.
By applying ‘pulse-height analysis’, the first-order reflection of the crystal can
be selected in preference to orders greater than 1, which have higher energy (by a
factor n). This is achieved by use of a pulse-height analyser (PHA), which allows
only pulses with heights lying within a certain ‘window’ to pass (Fig. 5.18).
Sometimes, when there is no possibility of high-order reflections, a simple
‘discriminator’ is used: in this case all pulses lying above the threshold voltage
are accepted. The need to match the PHA window to the pulses of interest is thus
avoided, while unwanted low-amplitude noise is still suppressed.
The height of the output pulses from a proportional counter (for a particular
X-ray energy) depends on the gas density. Pulse-height analysis is therefore
sensitive to changes in temperature or pressure when using a flow counter
(sealed counters are immune to such effects). The problem can be solved by
using a gas-density stabiliser.
5.3 Wavelength-dispersive spectrometers 95