normally very low. When an X-ray photon is absorbed it generates Auger
electrons and photo-electrons (Section 2.4), which dissipate their energy partly
by raising valence electrons to the conduction band. The arrival of each
photon thus creates a brief pulse of current caused by electrons in the former
and ‘holes’ in the latter, moving in opposite directions under the influence of
the bias voltage applied to the detector.
The mean energy used in generating one electron–hole pair is 3.8 eV for
Si (2.9 eV for Ge). The size of the output pulse depends on the number of such
pairs, which is given by the X-ray energy divided by the mean energy. Hence a
1.487-keV Al Ka photon, for example, produces an average of 391 electron– hole
pairs in a Si detector, whereas a Ni Ka photon (7.477 keV ) produces 1970 (the
actual numbers are subject to some statistical fluctuation).
Even highly refined silicon contains impurities, which have undesirable
effects. These are counteracted by introducing lithium using a process
known as ‘drifting’ – hence the name ‘lithium-drifted silicon’, or ‘Si(Li)’,
detector. Germanium detectors are usually made of high-purity material
(‘HPGe’), which does not require the addition of Li. A typical Si(Li) detector
consists of a silicon slice about 3 mm thick, with an area of 10 mm
larger sizes are available). The front surface is covered by a thin layer of gold,
which serves as a contact for the bias voltage. The rear is connected to a field-
effect transistor (FET), which acts as a preamplifier. The detector and FET are
mounted on a copper rod, the other end of which is immersed in liquid
nitrogen, and the whole assembly is sealed inside an evacuated housing, or
‘cryostat’ (Fig. 5.1). (Mechanical refrigeration can be used instead to obviate
the need for liquid nitrogen.) The detector must be protected from damage
resulting from warming up while the bias voltage is on, by means of a tem-
perature sensor that switches off the voltage.
X-rays reach the detector via a ‘window’ capable of withstanding atmos-
pheric pressure, so the vacuum chamber of the instrument to which it is
attached can be vented to air safely. A typical beryllium window about 8 mm
thick absorbs X-rays of energy below about 1 keV, but low-energy X-rays can
be detected if a thin polymer window is used instead. To provide sufficient
strength to withstand atmospheric pressure, such windows are supported by a
grid. Thin-window detectors are sensitive to light, and in instruments with a
microscope the lamp must be switched off for X-ray spectrum acquisition.
An alternative type of detector is the ‘silicon drift detector’ (‘SDD’), which is
different in construction and does not involve Li compensation (‘drift’ in this
context refers to the motion of the charge carriers). The main advantages are the
ability to operate at count-rates above 10
counts s
, and the fact that moderate
thermo-electric cooling is sufficient, obviating the need for liquid nitrogen.
5.2 Energy-dispersive spectrometers 79