type, the source–crystal distance is fixed and interchangeable crystals are provided.
Each of these has a radius of curvature that gives satisfactory results over a limited
range of wavelengths. There is some cost saving compared with the fully focussing
type, at the expense of sacrificing full wavelength coverage.
In the ‘parallel-beam’ type of WD spectrometer, the X-rays are collimated
by means of focussing optics making use of the phenomenon of low-angle total
reflection. The resulting parallel beam is reflected by a flat crystal (or multi-
layer), giving higher intensities than in a conventional WD spectrometer for
long wavelengths (the efficiency of the focussing optics decreases with decreas-
ing wavelength). It is necessary for the specimen surface to lie in the correct
plane relative to the focussing optics: in an SEM lacking an optical micro-
scope, the appropriate location can be obtained by setting the spectrometer on
a known X-ray line and adjusting the specimen height for maximum intensity.
5.3.4 Proportional counters
In a WD spectrometer X-rays are detected with a ‘proportional counter’
consisting of a gas-filled tube with a coaxial wire held at a positive potential
between 1 and 2 kV (Fig. 5.17). Ionisation of the gas atoms by X-rays generates
free electrons and positive ions, which are attracted respectively to the anode
wire and to the body of the counter (acting as cathode). The accelerated
electrons cause further ionisation, creating an ‘avalanche’, which results in a
pulse of electrical charge appearing on the anode. The size of the pulse is
dependent on the initial number of ions produced by the X-ray photon and,
since this number is proportional to the energy of the absorbed photon, the
pulse height is proportional to this energy. Electron multiplication in the
counter gas is strongly dependent on the anode voltage: as this is varied the
absolute pulse heights for all energies therefore change, while the relative
heights retain a constant relationship.
Fig. 5.17. A proportional counter as used in WD spectrometers: an X-ray
photon entering the window causes ionisation of the gas; the electric field
around the anode wire causes multiplication of ions and electrons, giving an
amplified output pulse proportional in height to the X-ray energy.
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