[17]. Furthermor e, the orientation of the optical
axis, which is related to the orientation of the
internal stress within the sample, can also be mea-
sured, as shown in the right image of Fig. 20-4 .
With the help of PS-OCT valuable insight for the
optimization of the production process with its
individual photolithographic steps can conse-
quently be gaine d, especially focusing on the min-
imization of internal stress, which can cause dis-
tortions of the wheel geometries and may lead to
detrimental cracks at the wafer/resist interface
and between trenches.
This section is conclud ed on selected measure-
ment applications for micro-structures by recal-
ling the evaluation of micro-fluidic devices with
OCT: the knowledge of the flow characteristics in
micro-fluidic networks and devices, such as
micro-mixers and lab-on-a-chip systems, helps
to assess the predicted performance and verify
the functionality of novel fluidic chip designs. In
this view, the flow behavior of micro-mixers was
studied by conventional OCT imaging: two
liquids with a different concentration of scatterers
were used to visualize flow patterns in the OCT
images, giving in this way information on the
status of intermixing and the spatial distribution
of vortices in the fluidic structure [19]. Besides the
retrieval of geometrical information of the flow
structure, ODT can now be applied to measure
even the flow velocity profiles in the micro-chan-
nels in a spatially resolved way, as recently
reported in, e.g. ref. [20].
Classical OCT and advanced OCT techniques,
providing high resolution and taking advantage
of different contrast mechanisms such as birefrin-
gence or flow velocity, have been introduced for
the evaluation of micro- structures and -parts. The
fact that depth resolved information can be
obtained – even from the interior of scattering
materials – in a contactless way by OCT using
harmless infrared light renders this method espe-
cially promising for future routine applications in
the metrology of micro-structures. From the tech-
nological point of view the advantage of FD-OCT
with respect to robustness, speed and achievable
sensitivity will promote its breakthrough. Cur-
rently, the potential is recognized by companies
which offered up to now only commercial bio-
medical OCT systems but are preparing their pro-
ducts for the industrial metrology market, such as,
e.g. automated inspection of thin multilayer sys-
tems. Routine applications for advanced OCT
techniques such as PS-OCT or for phase-resolved
OCT microscopy providing sub-nanometer accu-
racy [21] are yet to come. Finally, it shall be con-
sidered that hybrid techniques based on SWLI,
CPM and OCT will allow tailoring the char-
acteristics of measurement systems to the exact
requirements imposed by the specific micro-
structure evaluation tasks.
Financial support by the Austrian Science Fund
FWF (projects: L126-N08 and P19751-N20) is
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