Compliance analysis of m icro-handling, in-
cluding both gripper and part is critical for
reducing the necessary positional accuracy of
the system, and therefore the cost. The handling
system need not require the same precision as the
tolerance of the locations if a proper use of posi-
tioning, sensing, modeling, and control tools is
made. The use of precision fixtures can mitigate
the need for high positional accuracy. V-groove
structures, datum points, or other minimum
energy surfaces should be used as much as pos-
sible to guide the micro-parts into desired posi-
tions and orientations.
The following are key areas of the research in
micro-handling systems:
‘Contactless’ and smart micro-grippers;
Modeling of micro-assembly processes using
molecular dynamics simulation (MDS);
High resolution micro-feeding techniques;
Plug and produce micro-assembly modules
(control and hardware integration);
Integration of automated assembly processes
applicable to ‘super-clean room’.
This work was financially supported by the
European Community FEDER funds and Euro-
pean Community research funds (MASMICRO,
Project number 500095-2). The authors also
would like to thank the R&D&I Linguistic
Assistance Office at the ‘Universidad Politecnica
de Valencia’.
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