hazard. Mainly, scientists affirm that the lesson of
asbestos is to be learned and that a principle of
precaution is to be adopted.
Moreover, as said in the editorial of Nature
[25]: ‘Nano-technology is set to be the next cam-
paign focus for environmental groups’, which
enhances that research has not only to be per-
formed in the field of nano-toxicology, but also
that scientists have to comm unicate about it in
order to make it acceptable for a massive use in
society. For example, the European Union funded
the NANOSAFE project to assess the techn-
ology’s environmental and health risks in 2003,
and at the same time the US Environmental
Protection Agency invited proposals to study
the environmental and health impact of nano-
technology. Similarly, the Royal Society and the
Royal Academy of Engineering began some UK
studies in 2004. In Denmark, the Ministry of
Science, Technology and Innovation issued an
action plan including attention to health hazards,
environmental and ethical considerations regard-
ing nano-science and nano-technology, in 2004.
In the USA, a study about the military environ-
mental-health considerations has been reported
in [24]. In this study the potential use and impact
are listed and research priorities are highlighted.
Again, the mechanisms of the absorption of nano-
particles into the body and the reaction from the
immune system are considered as critical areas to
prevent or reduce risks, toget her with pollution-
related issues (e.g. the disposal and recycling of
carbon nano-tubes).
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