internally as waste energy from other processes.
Energy is consumed both in the manufactur-
ing process as well as during handling and
Outputs (emissions, waste and products) from
the processes should be inventoried. Of course the
product is an important output serving as a refer-
ence for all other data, but also all types of waste
(solid, liquid or gaseous) from the processes
should be measured. This is, e.g. waste material
(the difference between what is in the product and
what is consumed as raw material). There will
probably also be some emissions from the process,
e.g. welding fumes. In the initial steps of the
LCA, data of the latter type may be hard to
acquire. If more than one product is produced
by the same process this is important also, since
the environmental impact from the process should
be allocated between the products.
Material-use Data. Data on the use of materials
is important, not only because of the environmen-
tal impact associated with the extraction of mate-
rials, but also to keep track of the losses during
manufacturing proces ses.
The total amount of raw materials consumed
in the process should be registered (i.e. what goes
in through the factory gate), and including also
the amount of internal recycling. The type and
quality of raw material is important, since differ-
ent materials cause different impacts during
extraction and differ significantly in scarcity.
Chemicals (for etching, cleaning, metal working
fluids, etc.) should be registered both in terms of
the consumption as well as the losses as emissions
or waste. Chemicals may cause toxic impact on
humans and the environment.
In the lifecycle impact assessment the inven-
tory is translated into environmental imp act
such as climate change, acidification and toxi-
city. T he environmental impact of different
options, e.g. choice of materials, disassembly
options, etc. can be compared or environmental-
improvement options can be identified, or it
can be identified whether a choice to reduce
environmental impact in one part of the l ifecycle
creates a greater environmental impact i n other
parts of the lifecycle, see also Fig. 25-1.Amore
detailed explanation of LCA methodologies can
be found in [1].
A range of software tools is available for mak-
ing the more detailed LCAs, e.g. GaBi, SimaPro,
LCAiT, TEAM, etc. Demo versions are often
available on the internet.
Application of LCA in
Micro-components are ofte n assumed to be
more environmentally friendly than their macro-
counterparts, although this may be challenged,
and in some cases even contradicted, as proposed
in [3,4] (Fig. 25-2).
In micro-manufacturing, LCA has been used
predominantly in the MEMS sector. The rapid
development of technologies and limited avail-
ability of data in the MEMS industry make com-
plete LCAs difficult to produce and they are quite
quickly outdated. One example is the manufac-
ture of a PC, for which the energy requirement in
the late 1980s was approximately 2150 kWh,
whereas in the late 1990s efficiency was improved
and only 535 kWh were necessary [5]: the use of
old data could result in erroneous results. Looking
at the overall environmental impact, this four-fold
increase in efficiency has been overcompensated
for by an increase in the number of computers
sold, from approximately 21 million to more
than 150 million [5]. The latter provides an exam-
ple of a rebound effect, showing that economic
and social aspects may have a huge implication for
the overall environmental impact.
A major trend is that shrinking product
dimensions increase the requirements of the pro-
duction environment to prevent pollution of the
product. This involves energy-intensive heating,
and ventilation and air-conditioning systems.
A clean room of class 10,000, for example,
requires approximately 2280 kWh/m
per year,
whereas a class 100 requires 8440 kWh/m
year. The same increase in requirements is rel e-
vant for supply materials such as chemicals and
gases. The demand for greater purity levels
implies more technical effort for chemical puri-
fication, e.g. additional energy consumption and
396 CHAPTER 25 Sustainability of Micro-Manufacturing Technologies