Chapter 4
dendritic growth at the edges of the electrodes can be avoided by keeping the
deposition current density below some critical value, probably little larger
than this corresponding to the end of the Tafel linearity. At this current
density the less coarse deposit in the homogenous field without the dendrites
at the edges of electrodes can be expected.
The current density distribution in electroplating and electroforming were
also treated semiquantitatively and it was shown that decrease of ohmic
resistance of electrolyte and increase of the Tafel slope for the cathodic
process improves it. Obviously, all above discussion is valid if the local
values of limiting diffusion current density do not varies along electrode
surface, i.e. if the effect of the hydrodynamics can be neglected. As a metter
of fact, the diffusion layer thickness may vary along the electrode interface
due to hydrodynamic conditions and cause the different deposition
conditions. This phenomenon is treated elsewhere
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