. Electrodeposition at a Periodically Changing Rate
Equation 5.66 is valid for a pulsating current, square wave pulsating
overpotential and reversing current in the millisecond range under the
assumption that the entire surface dissolves uniformly during the pauses. The
deposits obtained by constant and pulsating overpotential in the mixed
control under other conditions are the same are shown in Fig 5.11. The
deposit obtained by pulsating overpotential is considerably less rough.
The copper deposits obtained under activation and mixed control as those
from Fig. 3.21 are shown in Fig 5.12. A considerable decrease in the grain
size of deposit obtained at low current densities (in the activation controlled
region Fig. 3.21a and Fig. 5.12a) due to the increase of the amplitude of the
overpotential relative to the corresponding value in constant overpotential
deposition, can be seen. There is no qualitative change, however, in the
structure of the deposit.
A qualitative change in the structure of the deposit appears in mixed
controlled deposition (Fig 3.21c and Fig. 5.12b). It is seen that the
protrusions caused by mass transport limitations are strongly reduced
relative to the deposits shown in Fig. 3.21c, but the grain size in enlarged. It
is obvious that the grains obtained by pulsating overpotential with current
densities belonging to the region of mixed control, Fig. 5.12b, are almost as
regular as those deposited under activation control (Fig. 5.12a). This is
obviously due to the increased degree of activation control during the
overpotential pulses and the increased grain size relative to those in Fig.
3.21b and c is due to the selective dissolution during the "off” periods. The
smaller nuclei formed during the overpotential pulse will be completely or
partially dissolved during the overpotential pause and the current density and
the current density on the partially dissolved ones during the next
overpotential pulse will be considerably lower than on larger ones because of
their more negative reversible potentials, and the growth of larger grains will
be favorized.
In this way the appearance of the deposit shown in Fig. 3.21c changes
and becomes that shown in Fig. 5.12b which was formed using PO
deposition of the same quantity of deposited metal and average current
density. It can be also seen from Fig. 5.12 that a good deposit can be
obtained by PO deposition over a wide range of current densities. This
means that in EPCR deposition current density can be considerably
increased relative to DC case.