4. The Current Distribution in Electrochemical Cells
The effects of the supporting electrolyte and the depositing ion concen-
tration, insoluble anode and temperature on the ability of an electrolyte to
distribute homogeneously the current density are illustrated in Fig. 4.13.
All the above facts can be explained by discussing L', the depth of the
current line penetration between the electrode edges and cell side wall for
L'<L. Previously it was shown that:
For one and the same current density in a cell, the electrochemical part of
the cell voltage does not depend on the interelectrode distance, but the ohmic
drop in a homogeneous field is strongly dependant on it, which leads to an
increase of L' with increasing l. This produces decrease of the cell voltage at
a fixed current density, because of the decrease of the overall ohmic
resistance. Hence, at a fixed cell voltage, increasing L' will results in an
increase of the current density relative to a cell with L = 0 and, hence, a
worse current density distribution. The same will happen with increasing L
at l = 150 mm if the condition L' < L is not satisfied.
In the similar way, in the cells with the same l = 150 mm and L = 150
mm, L' will depend on the fractional contribution of the ohmic drop to the
cell voltage. At a fixed l, the value of the product increases faster with
increasing j than the electrochemical part of cell voltage. Hence, increasing
the depositing ion concentration and the stirring rate will cause the ability of
the electrolyte to distribute the current density uniformly worsen, as well as a
decreasing of supporting electrolyte concentration. Increasing value of the
Tafel slope and, probably decreasing exchange current densities will
improve the current distribution.
Increasing the temperature also has a significant effect, regardless of the
simultaneous decrease in and increase in j. This means that the decrease in
is more pronounced than the increase in j. In all cases, the increase in the
degree of diffusion control leads to a better current density distribution on a
macroprofile. On the other hand, in such a situation the current density
distribution worsens on a microprofile (see section 3.2).