xiv List of figures and tables
17.1 The impact of a permanent dividend cut 453
17.2 Dividends as a residual 456
18.1 How gearing affects the ROE 488
18.2 The ‘traditional’ view of capital structure 491
19.1 MM’s Propositions I and II 517
19.2 The MM thesis with corporate income tax 521
19.3 Business and financial risk premia and the
required return 524
19.4 Optimal gearing with liquidation costs 527
20.1 A strategic framework 559
20.2 Type of acquisition and integrative
complexity 564
21.1 Sterling exchange rates, 1999–2004 595
21.2 Interlocking theories in international
economics 606
21.3 Flow chart demonstrating a logical
approach towards devising a foreign
exchange management strategy 611
21.4 Illustration of multiple netting 614
21.5 Achieving the swap 623
22.1 Alternative modes of market entry 633
22.2 Exporting vs. FDI 635
22.3 Classification of firms by extent of
operating exposure 642
22.5 A simple APV model 655
A.1 Portfolio combinations with four assests 680
List of tables
2.1 Share price information for the food
retail sector 45
2.2 Foto-U plc 49
2.3 Foto-U key ratios 51
2.4 Foto-U annual corporate performance report 55
3.1 Compound interest on £1,000 over five
years (at 10%) 63
3.2 Annual percentage rates for a loan with
interest payable at 22 per cent per annum 64
3.3 Present value of a single future sum 68
4.1 Balance sheet for DS Smith plc as at
30 April 2004 91
4.2 Football clubs quoted on the London Stock
Exchange 94
4.3 How earnings and dividends grow in
tandem (figures in £m) 106
4.4 Calculation of EVA 112
5.1 Net present value calculations 124
5.2 Why NPV makes sense to shareholders 124
5.3 IRR calculations for Lara proposal 126
5.4 Payback period calculation 128
5.5 Calculation of the ARR on total assets 130
5.6 Comparison of various appraisal methods 131
5.7 Comparison of mutually exclusive projects 133
5.8 Investment opportunities for Mervtech plc 136
5.9 NPV vs. PI for Mervtech plc 136
5.10 Modified IRR for Lara 139
5.11 Flintoff plc: planned investment schedule
(£000) 140
5.12 Projects accepted based on LP solution 141
6.1 Profitability of Sevvie’s project 152
6.2 Sevvie plc solution 152
6.3 The money terms approach 153
6.4 The real terms approach 154
6.5 Project Tiger 2000 (assuming no capital
allowances) 155
6.6 Woosnam plc – Tiger 2000 tax reliefs 156
6.7 Woosnam plc – Tiger 2000 with tax relief 157
6.8 Capital investment evaluation methods
in 100 large UK firms 158
6.9 Relationship between ARR and IRR 160
6.10 Allis plc cash flows for two projects 164
6.11 Profit projection for CNC milling
machine (£000) 171
8.1 Betterway plc: expected net present values 197
8.2 Effects of cost structure on profits (£000) 199
8.3 Snowglo plc project data 200
8.4 Project risk for Snowglo plc 201
8.5 UMK cost structure 205
8.6 Risk analysis in 100 large UK firms 210
8.7 Bronson project payoffs with independent
cash flows 212
9.1 Returns under different states of the
economy 224
9.2 Calculating the covariance 224
9.3 Differing returns and risks 226
9.4 Portfolio risk-return combinations (%) 226
9.5 Returns from Gerrybild 229
9.6 Calculation of standard deviations of
returns from each investment 229
9.7 Calculation of the covariance 230
10.1 The annual TSRs on Pilkington shares 239
10.2 How to remove portfolio risk 242
10.3 Possible returns from Walkley Wagons 245
10.4 Beta values of the constituents of
the FT 30 Share Index 248
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