Index 753
Mathur, I. 570
Mattel (company) 181
maturity of stock 78
Mayer, C. 571
Meall, L. 499
mean-variance rule 203
Meckling, W.H. 11
Mehra, R. 250
mental accounting 670
Mercer (consultancy) 571
Merchant, Khozem 636
merchant banks 27–8
mergers 8, 731
assessing the impact of 567–72
integration sequence for 564–6
for management control 550
post-merger integration 563–7
Merton, R. 316
Metro (company) 219
mezzanine finance 438, 731
Microsoft 106, 177, 431
Miller, F.H. 234
Miller, M. 373–4, 448, 451, 458–9, 473, 480, 506, 513–15, 534
Mills, R.W. 164
Milner, Charles 579
Milunovich, Steve 471
minimum-risk portfolio 225, 230
modified internal rate of return (MIRR) 138–9, 731
Modigliani, F. 448, 451, 458–9, 473, 480, 513–15, 534
Modigliani and Miller (MM) capital structure theories 731
Monetary Policy Committee 731
money market cover 618, 731
Monopolies and Mergers Commission (MMC) 427
Monson, Guy 72
Monsoon (company) 626
Monte Carlo simulation 207
moral hazard 420, 503, 731
Morgan, Michael 468–9
Mossin, J. 259
multilateral netting 614, 731
multinational companies (MNCs) 631, 731
advantages of 631–2
multi-period capital rationing 137, 139–43
multi-period cash flows and risk 212–14
Murdoch, Rupert 562
Muscovy Company 5, 30
mutually exclusive projects, ranking of 130–3
My Travel (company) 512
Myers, S.C. 138, 266, 316, 374, 406, 506, 530, 534
naked options 300
Nalco (company) 635–6
Narayanaswamy, V.J. 406
De Nationale Investerings-bank 435
natural hedging 335, 645 , 731
natural matching 615
NatWest Bank 567
Navenby plc 99–100, 105–6
Neale, C.W. 164, 188, 190, 636
negative returns 487
Nestlé (company) 94, 435
net advantage of a lease (NAL) 394, 396, 731
net asset value (NAV) 90, 731
in brand valuation 96
problems with 92–4
net book value 49
net current assets 50
net debt 481, 731
net present value (NPV) 67, 73–6, 664, 731
adjusted for risk 208–10
and DCF 123–5
theoretical case for 79–80
and unconventional cash flows 132
net working capital 337–8
netting 614, 731
neutral stocks 731
new issue markets 731
new product proposals in capital investment 185
New York Stock Exchange 33
News Corporation 434, 562
niche companies 412, 731
Nikkei index 44
nil paid price of rights 427
Nintendo (company) 595
non-financial goals of management 11
non-recourse 731
Norwood, S.W. 292
notes (securities) 432
offers for sale by prospectus 423
Office of Fair Trading 32, 427, 583
Official List (of companies) 44, 731
open accounts 402
‘Open Fisher’ theory 603–4
open offers 429
operating clauses 392
operating efficiency of markets 34
operating exposure 642–4, 732
management of 645–6
operating gearing 198–9, 286–7, 413, 484–6, 731–2
operating leases 732
operating leverage 485
operating profit 50
operational strategy 17
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