756 Index
risk (continued)
and time-value of money 62
scenario analysis 206
sensitivity analysis 204–6
simulation analysis 207
types of 198–200
risk-adjusted discount rate 208–9
risk aversion 197, 663
in portfolio theory 222
with share options 302–4
risk avoidance 331
risk exposure 330
risk-free assets 255–7, 733
risk management 330–7
and derivatives 332–4
and hedging 334–5
interest rate management 335–7
stages in 330–2
risk minimisation policy 613
risk premiums 16, 249, 733
risk reduction 27, 331
risk retention 331
risk sharing 616
risk transfer 331
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco 121
Robbie, K. 583
Robbins, S. 636
Rodriguez, R.M. 625
Roll, R. 40, 266
Ross, S.A. 40, 260, 262, 504
Rowntree’s (company) 94
Royal Bank of Scotland 567
Royal Dutch Shell Group 181
Ruback, R.S. 570, 582
Rugman, A.M. 656
Rutherford, B.A. 103
Rutterford, J. 406, 443, 506
safety stocks 366
Saigol, Lina 181
Sainsbury’s (company) 442
sale-and-leaseback (SAL) 441–3
sale-and manage-back 442–3
Sanyo Electric 175–6
Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002) 15
Sarnat, M. 164, 212
Sartoris, W. 374
Savage, L.J. 138
scale economies 549, 733
scenario analysis 206
Scholes, M. 308, 316
Schumpeter, Joseph 15
Scottish & Newcastle (company) 550, 580
scrip dividends 465–6, 733
scrip issues 430, 727
second-round financing 421
secondary capital markets 25
secondary leases 392
Securicor (company) 575
securitisation 29–30, 434, 733
security market line (SML) 249, 733
seed capital 421
segmental beta 284
Seiyo Food Systems 549
self-administered pension schemes 28
self-deception 666, 670
sell-offs 576
Seminole Indian tribe 435
semi-variance 202
sensitivity analysis 204–6, 733
and multi-period capital rationing 140, 142–3
separation theorem 83, 256
Shao, L.P. 656
Shapiro, A.C. 625, 656
share buybacks 562, 733
share exchanges for financing takeovers 553
share options 12, 16, 297–304
and corporate finance 309–10
and futures 334
as a hedge 302–4
pricing of 304–9
speculative use of 300–2
terminology 299
share premium accounts 415, 733
share splits 430, 733
share valuation 669
share warrants 309
shareholder value, maximisation of 10
shareholder value analysis (SVA) 109–12, 733
cost of equity 272–3
hurdle rates 290–1
investment categories in 279–80
required return 276–8
tailored discount rates 283–9
taxation and the CAPM 288–9
value drivers in 278–80
shareholder wealth and social responsibility 13–14
shareholders’ funds 50, 414–17
authorised and issued share capital 414
ordinary shares 414–15
preference shares 415–16; see also dividends
Sharpe, P. 236
Sharpe, W.E. 231, 234, 238
Sherlund, Rick 471
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