Index 395
Thermocouples, 107
Thermostats, 100–101
Thumbwheel modules, 29
Thumbwheel switches (TWS), 216, 217
Time base, 128, 130
Time proportioning, 298
Time-delay circuit, 213
Time-driven sequencer programs, 248
Timer data le, 208
Timer le ( le 4), 72, 74
Timer number, 130
Timer Off-Delay (TOF) command, 14, 128
Timer On-Delay (TON) command, 14, 128
Timer Timing Bit (TT)
CLX controller timer, 338
SLC 500 timers, 130
Timers, 125–143
cascading, 140–143
CLX controllers, 338–345
combining counter functions and, 166–170
instructions, 128–129
mechanical timing relays, 126–128
off-delay, 126–128, 133–137, 342–343
on-delay, 126–134, 213–214, 339–342, 344–345
prede ned structure, 338–339
retentive, 128, 136–140
time-delay circuit, 213
watchdog, 279
TND (temporary end), 177, 194–195, 282, 283
TOD (convert to BCD), 227, 234
TOF (Timer Off-Delay) command, 14, 128
TOFs; see Off-delay timers
Token passing networks, 306
TON (Timer On-Delay) command, 14, 128
TONs; see On-delay timers
Transistor output, 26
Transistor-Transistor-Logic (TTL) modules, 30
Transitional contact circuit, 156
Transmission media, 303–304
Transmission methods, 307–308
Transmitting PLC data, 307–308
Trend values display screens, 295
Triac output, 26
Troubleshooting, 3, 4, 11, 279–286
input malfunctions, 279–280
ladder logic program, 281–286
locating addresses in ladder program, 277
output malfunctions, 281
processor module, 279
Truth tables, 58
TT (Timer Timing Bit)
CLX controller timer, 338
SLC 500 timers, 130
TTL (Transistor-Transistor-Logic) modules, 30
Turbine-type owmeters, 107
Two-position control, 220
TWS (thumbwheel switches), 216, 217
Type (rack/slot-based addressing), 19
UA (Update Accumulator) Bit, 154
Ultrasonic sensors, 106
UN (Under ow Bit)
CLX controllers, 348
SLC 500 counters, 154
Unipolar analog I/O modules, 28
Unlatch instructions (CLX controllers), 334–335
ST (structured text) language, 79–81
Star topology networks, 304
Start fence (MCR zone), 178
Static control, 35
Stations, 304
Status data le, 73
Status le ( le 2), 72
Status information, 18
STD (selectable timed disable), 194
STE (selectable timed enable), 194
Stepper motors, 109–110
Stepper-motor modules, 30
STI (selectable timed interrupt), 193–194
Stop buttons, 192–193
Storage bits, internal, 87
Store (STR)–Load (LD), 61
Store Not (STR NOT)–Load Not (LD NOT), 61
Strain gauge load cells, 107
Strain gauges, 106–107
Strain/weight sensors, 106–107
Structured text (ST) language, 79–81
Structures (CLX controller tags), 324–325
SUB (subtract) command, 227
CLX controllers, 354
SLC 500 controllers, 229–230
Subroutine (SBR) command, 177, 182
Subroutine ladder program les ( les 3-255), 72
Subroutines, 181–185, 321
Subtract (SUB) command, 227
CLX controllers, 354
SLC 500 controllers, 229–230
Subtraction, 227
binary, 52–54
math instructions, 229–230
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), 313–314
local area networks for, 304
networking PLCs for, 35
Surge suppressors, 274–275
Suspend (SUS), 177, 195, 282, 283
Suspend mode, 282, 283
Symbolic instructions, 81
logic, 58
timers, 127
Synchronous operation, 261
System functions le ( le 0), 72
Tables (data memory), 201
Tachometer generators, 107
Tag description, 325
Tag name, 325
Tag name (CLX controller timer), 338
Tag type, 325
Tag-based addressing, 19–21, 331–332
Tag-based memory systems, 72
Tags (CLX controllers), 321–324
arrays, 326–327
creating, 325
monitoring and editing, 326
structures, 324–325
Tasks (CLX controllers), 320
Temperature, inside PLC enclosure, 269
Temperature sensors, 107
Temperature switches, 100–101
Temporary end (TND), 177, 194–195, 282, 283
Test mode, 91
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