Glossary 383
a station and the signals transmitted by the stations to be passed to the
Task It holds the information necessary to schedule the program’s
execution and sets the execution priority for one or more programs.
Terminal address The alphanumeric address assigned to a particu-
lar input or output point. It is also related directly to a speci c image
table bit address.
Thermocouple A temperature-measuring device that utilizes two
dissimilar metals for temperature measurement. As the junction of
the two dissimilar metals is heated, a proportional voltage difference,
which can be measured, is generated.
Thumbwheel switch A rotating switch used to input numeric infor-
mation into a controller.
Time base A unit of time generated by a microprocessor’s clock cir-
cuit and used by PLC timer instructions. Typical time bases are 0.01,
0.1, and 1.0 second.
Timed contact A normally open and/or normally closed contact that
is actuated at the end of a timer’s time-delay period.
Timer In relay-panel hardware, an electromechanical device that
can be wired and preset to control the operating interval of other de-
vices. In a programmable logic controller, a timer is internal to the
processor; that is, it is controlled by a user-programmed instruction.
Toggle switch A panel-mounted switch with an extended lever; nor-
mally used for on/off switching.
T o k e n The logical right to initiate communications in a communica-
tion network.
Token passing A technique in which tokens are circulated among
nodes in a communication network.
Topology The structure of a communications network; examples are
bus, ring, and star.
Transducer A device used to convert physical parameters such as
temperature, pressure, and weight into electric signals.
Transformer An electric device that converts a circuit’s electrical
energy into a circuit or circuits with different voltages and current
Transistor A three-terminal active semiconductor device composed
of silicon or germanium that is capable of switching or amplifying an
electric current.
Transistor-transistor logic (TTL) A semiconductor logic family
in which the basic logic element is a multiple-emitter transistor. This
family of devices is characterized by high speed and medium power
Transitional contact A contact that, depending on how it is pro-
grammed, will be on for one program scan every 0 to 1 transition, or
every 1 to 0 transition, of the referenced coil.
Transmission line A system of one or more electric conductors used
to transmit electric signals or power from one place to another.
Triac A solid-state component capable of switching alternating
True As related to programmable logic controller instructions, an
on, enabled, or 1 state.
Truth table A table listing that shows the state of a given output as a
function of all possible input combinations.
TTL-input module Enables devices that produce TTL-level signals
to communicate with a PLC’s processor.
Single-scan function A supervisory instruction that causes the
control program to be executed for one scan, including input/output
update. This troubleshooting function allows step-by-step inspection
of occurrences while the machine is stopped.
Sink mode output A mode of operation of solid-state devices in
which the device controls the current from the load. For example,
when the output is energized, it connects the load to the negative po-
larity of the supply.
SINT A data type that stores an 8-bit (1-byte) signed integer value.
ber A circuit generally used to suppress inductive loads; it
consists of a resistor in series with a capacitor (RC snubber) and/or a
MOV placed across the alternating current load.
Software Programs that control the processing of data in a system,
as contrasted to the physical equipment itself (hardware).
Solid-state switch Any electronic device incorporating a transistor,
silicon-controlled recti er, or triac semiconductor switch to control the
on/off ow of electric power.
Source mode output A mode of operation of solid-state output de-
vices in which the device controls the current to the load. For example,
when the output is energized, it connects the load to the positive polar-
ity of the supply.
Star topology A network architecture in which all network nodes
are connected to a central device that routes the nodes’ messages.
State The logic 0 or 1 condition in programmable logic controller
memory or at a circuit input or output.
Station Any programmable logic controller, computer, or data ter-
minal connected to, and communicating by means of, a data highway.
Status indicators LEDs that indicate the on-off status of an input or
output point and are visible on the outside of the PLC.
Stepper-motor module Provides pulse trains to a stepper-motor
translator that enables control of a stepper motor.
STI An acronym for selectable time interrupt, a subroutine that ex-
ecutes on a time basis rather than an event basis.
Storage bit A bit in a data table word that can be set or reset but that
is not associated with a physical input or output terminal point.
Structure Text (ST) High-level, text-based language with com-
mands that support a highly structured program development and the
ability to evaluate complex mathematical expressions.
Subroutines Program les that are scanned only when called on by
logic and can be used to break the program into smaller segments.
Subtract A programmable logic controller instruction that performs
the mathematical subtraction of one number from another.
Suppression device A unit that attenuates the magnitude of electri-
cal noise.
Surge A transient wave of current or power.
Synchronous shift register A shift register in which only one
change of state occurs per control pulse.
Synchronous transmission A type of serial transmission that main-
tains a constant time interval between successive events.
T a g A text-based name for an area of the controller’s memory where
data are stored.
T a p A device that provides mechanical and electrical connections
to a trunk cable. A tap allows the signals on the trunk to be passed to
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