Math, Comparison, and Move Instructions Part 5 355
• The addition in the ADD instruction places the sum
of the accumulated values of the two counters in the
Conveyor_3_Parts tag.
• When the accumulated value for either counter is
equal to 150 the reset (RES) instructions for both
counters are enabled to automatically reset both
counter ACC values to zero.
• Both counters can also be reset manually at any time
by actuation of the Manual_Conveyor_Reset button.
Comparison Instructions
Compare instructions are used to compare two val-
ues. They can be used to see if two values are equal, if
one value is greater or less than the other, and so on. In
ControlLogix controllers compare instructions are input
instructions that do comparisons by either using an ex-
pression or doing the comparison indicated by the speci c
instruction. Figure 15-72 shows the Compare toolbar for
the ControlLogix controller.
The equal (EQU) instruction is used to test if two val-
ues are equal. Values compared can be actual values or
tags that contain values. Figure 15-73 shows an example
of an EQU instruction rung along with its Monitor Tags
window. The operation of the rung can be summarized as
• The value stored at Source A is compared to the
value stored at Source B.
• If the values are equal, the instruction is
• If the values are unequal, the instruction is
• In this example Source A (25) is equal to Source B
(25) so the instruction is true and output Equal_PL
is on.
• Source A and Source B may be SINT, INT, DINT,
or REAL data types.
The not equal (NEQ) instruction is used to test two
values for inequality. Figure 15-74 shows an example of
an NEQ instruction rung. When Source A is not equal to
Source B, the instruction is logically true; otherwise, it
is logically false. In this example the two values are not
equal so the Not_Equal_PL is energized.
The less than (LES) instruction is used to check if a
value from one source is less than the value from a sec-
ond source. Figure 15-75 shows an example of an LES
instruction rung. When Source A is less than Source B,
the instruction is logically true; otherwise, it is logically
false. In this example Value_1 (100) is less than Value_2
(300) so the Less_Than_PL is energized.
Figure 15-70 DIV instruction rung and its Monitor Tags
Ladder logic program
Source A
Source B
Tag Name Value Style Data Type
• Source A (the value in tag Cases_Produced) is
multiplied by Source B (the value in tag Bottles_
Per_Case) and the result is stored in the Dest tag
• Source A and Source B can be constants (numbers)
or tags.
The DIV instruction is used to divide two numbers.
Figure 15-70 shows an example of a DIV instruction rung
along with its Monitor Tags window. The operation of the
rung can be summarized as follows:
• A constant (5) is used for Source A and a con-
stant(3) for Source B. Note that tags could have
been used for Source A or Source B.
• When the Calculate tag is true the DIV instruction
is executed.
• Source A (5) is divided by Source B (3) and the
result (1.6666666) is stored in the Dest tag Answer_
Real. Note that in this example a Real-type tag has
been used for its destination.
The program of Figure 15-71 is used as part of a parts
tracking system with three conveyors. The number of
parts in conveyor 1 and the number of parts in conveyor
2 are added to get the number of parts on conveyor 3.
The operation of the program can be summarized as
• Each time Conveyor_1_Sensor is actuated
the accumulated value of Counter_1_Parts is
• Each time Conveyor_2_Sensor is actuated
the accumulated value of Counter_2_Parts is
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