Process Control, Network Systems, and SCADA Chapter 14 299
Rate action (derivative control) acts on the error signal
just like reset does, but rate action is a function of the rate
of change rather than the magnitude of error. Rate action
is applied as a change in output for a selectable time inter-
val, usually stated in minutes. Rate-induced change in con-
troller output is calculated from the derivative of the error.
Input change, rather than proportional control error change,
is used to improve response. Rate action quickly positions
the output, whereas proportional action alone would even-
tually position the output. In effect, rate action puts the
brakes on any offset or error by quickly shifting the pro-
portional band. Proportional plus derivative (PD) control
is used in process control systems with errors that change
very rapidly. By adding derivative control to proportional
control, we obtain a controller output that responds to the
error’s rate of change as well as to its magnitude.
PID control is a feedback control method that com-
bines proportional, integral, and derivative actions. The
proportional action provides smooth control without
hunting. The integral action automatically corrects off-
set. The derivative action responds quickly to large exter-
nal disturbances. The PID controller is the most widely
used type of process controller. When combined into a
single control loop the proportional, integral and deriva-
tive modes complement each other to reduce the system
error to zero faster than any other controller. Figure14-19
shows the block diagram of a PID control loop, the opera-
tion of which can be summarized as follows:
• During setup, the set-point, proportional band, reset
(integral), rate (derivative), and output limits are
speci ed.
• All these can be changed during operation to tune
the process.
• The integral term improves accuracy, and the de-
rivative reduces overshoot for transient upsets.
• The output can be used to control valve positions,
temperature, ow metering equipment, and so on.
the process conditions change signi cantly. The operation
can be summarized as follows:
• When valve B opens liquid ows out and the level
in the tank drops.
• This causes the oat to lower, opening valve A and
allowing more liquid in.
• This process continues until the level drops to a point
at which the oat is low enough to open valve A, thus
allowing the same input ow as output ow.
• Due to the steady-state error, the level will stabilize
at a new lower level, not at the desired set-point.
Proportional control is often used in conjunction with
integral control and/or derivative control.
• The integral action, sometimes termed reset action,
responds to the size and time duration of the error
signal. An error signal exists when there is a differ-
ence between the process variable and the set-point,
so the integral action will cause the output to change
and continue to change until the error no longer ex-
ists. Integral action eliminates steady-state error.
The amount of integral action is measured as min-
utes per repeat or repeats per minute, which is the
relationship between changes and time.
• The derivative action responds to the speed at which
the error signal is changing—that is, the greater the
error change, the greater the correcting output. The
derivative action is measured in terms of time.
Proportional plus integral (PI) control combines the
characteristics of both types of control. A step change in
the set-point causes the controller to respond proportion-
ally, followed by the integral response, which is added to
the proportional response. Because the integral mode de-
termines the output change as a function of time, the more
integral action found in the control, the faster the output
changes. This action can be summarized as follows:
• To eliminate the offset error, the controller needs to
change its output until the process variable error is
• Reset integral control action changes the controller
output by the amount needed to drive the process
variable back to the set-point value.
• The new equilibrium point after reset action is at
point “C.”
• Since the proportional controller must always oper-
ate on its proportional band, the proportional band
must be shifted to include the new point “C.”
• A controller with reset integral control does this
Figure 14-19 PID control loop.
PID controller
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