spraying direction. The measured modulus of elasticity (MOE) of HA (16 GPa at
maximum) was much lower than the theoretical value (i.e., 112 GPa). The denser,
well-melted HA exhibited a higher residual stress (compressive, 10–15 MPa at max-
imum), as compared with the less dense, poor-melting HA. The denser coatings
could be affected by higher plasma power and lower powder feed rate. It was also
reported that the thicker 200 m HA exhibited higher residual stress than that of the
thinner 50 m HA [11-84]. Mimura et al. [11-85] characterized morphologically and
chemically the coating–substrate interface of a commercially available dental
implant coated with plasma-sprayed HA, when subjected to mechanical environ-
ment. A thin Ti oxide film containing Ca and P was found at the interface on Ti-6Al-
4V. When the implant was subjected to mechanical stress, a mixed mode of cohesive
and interfacial fractures occurred. The cohesive fracture was due to separation of the
oxide film from the substrate, while the interfacial fracture was due to the exfolia-
tion of the coating from the oxide film bonded to the substrate. It was reported that
(i) microanalytical results showed diffusion of Ca into the metal substrate, hence
indicating the presence of chemical bond at the interface; however, (ii) mechanical
interlocking seemed to play the major role in the interfacial bond [11-85]. Lynn and
DuQuesnay [11-86] conducted uniaxial fatigue tests (
stress ratio, R= −1,
stress amplitude of 620 MPa, frequency of 50 Hz) on blasted-Ti-6Al-4V with HA
coating on Ti-6Al-4V with film thickness ranging from 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, and 150
m. It was found that (i) samples with 150 m were shown to have significantly
decreased fatigue resistance, while coatings of 25–100 m were found to have no
effect on fatigue resistance, and (ii) HA coatings with 25–50 m show no observ-
able delamination during fatigue tests, while coatings with 75–150 m thick were
observed to spall following but not prior to the initiation of the first fatigue crack in
the substrate [11-86].
There are several studies done on apatite-like formation without HA coating. Ti
can form a bone-like apatite layer on its surface in SBF when it is treated in NaOH.
When pre-treated Ti is exposed to SBF, the alkali ions are released from the sur-
face into the surrounding fluid. The sodium ions increase the degree of supersatu-
ration of the soaking solution with respect to apatite by increasing pH. On the
other hand, the released Na
causes an increase in external alkalinity that triggers
an inflammatory response and leads to cell death. Therefore, it would be benefi-
cial to decrease the release of Na
into the surrounding tissue. It was found that
(i) the rate of apatite formation was not significantly influenced by a lower amount
of Na
ion in the surface layer, and (ii) Ti with the lowest content of Na
could be
more suitable for implantation in the human body (4 at%) [11-87]. Jonášová et al.
[11-88] pre-treated CpTi surfaces: (1) in 10 M NaOH at 60°C for 24 h, and (2)
etched in HCl under inert atmosphere of CO
for 2 h, followed by 10 M NaOH
treatment. It was found that Ti treated in NaOH can form hydroxycarbonated
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