6 weeks, (ii) the electropolished implants, irrespective of anodic oxidation, were
surrounded by less bone than the machined implants after 1 week, (iii) after 6
weeks the bone volume, as well as the bone–implant contact, were lower for the
merely electropolished implants than for the other three groups, and (iv) a high
degree of bone contact and bone formation are achieved with titanium implants
which are modified with respect to oxide thickness and surface topography; how-
ever, the result with the smooth (electropolished) implants indicates that a reduc-
tion of surface roughness, in the initial phase, decreases the rate of bone formation
in rabbit cortical bone [11-199].
The topography of titanium implants is of importance with respect to cellular
attachment. Chung and McAlarney [11-200] examined the topographies of three
as-received implant systems (Nobelpharma, Swede-Vent, and Screw-Vent), fol-
lowed by thermal (700°C for 240 min) and anodic oxidation (70 V in 1 M acetic
acid solution) of the fixtures. Fixtures were self tapped into freshly sacrificed
swine rib bone. It was found that (i) thermal and anodic oxidation, as well as
implantation shear stress, had no effect on topography, and (ii) the growth of
oxides and implantation shear stress had no effect on topography [11-200].
Thelen et al. [11-201] investigated mechanics issues related to potential use
of a recently developed porous titanium material for load-bearing implants.
This material may have advantages over solid Ti for enhancing the
bone–implant interface strength by promoting bone and soft-tissue ingrowth,
and for reducing the bone–implant modulus mismatch, which can lead to stress
shielding. It was mentioned that (i) simple analytic models provide good esti-
mates of the elastic properties of the porous Ti, and (ii) the moduli can be sig-
nificantly reduced to decrease the mismatch between solid Ti and bone,
achieving the mechanical compatibility proposed by Oshida [11-202]. The
finite element simulations show that bone ingrowth will dramatically reduce
stress concentrations around the pores [11-201]. Takemoto et al. [11-203] pre-
pared porous bioactive titanium implants (porosity of 40%) by a plasma spray
method and subsequent chemical and thermal treatments of immersion in a 5 M
aqueous NaOH solution at 60° C for 24 h, immersion in distilled water at 40°C
for 48 h, and heating to 600°C for 1 h. It was reported that compression strength
and bending strength were 280 MPa (0.2% offset yield strength 85.2 MPa) and
101 MPa, respectively. For in vivo analysis, bioactive and non-treated porous
titanium cylinders were implanted into 6 mm diameter holes in rabbit femoral
condyles. It was found that (i) the percentage of bone–implant contact (affinity
index) of the bioactive implants was significantly larger than for the non-
treated implants at all post-implantation times (13.5 vs. 10.5, 16.7 vs. 12.7, 17.7
vs. 10.2, 19.1 vs. 7.8 at 2, 4, 8, and 16 weeks, respectively), and (ii) the per-
centage of bone area ingrowth showed a significant increase with the bioactive
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