Bioscience and Bioengineering of Titanium Materials
NiTi wires, physio-mechanical properties 270
orthodontic archwires,
in vitro
testing of 115
orthodontic mechanotherapy 28, 63
orthodontic NiTi archwires, surface
roughness and static frictional force
resistance of 115
orthodontic tooth movement 115
orthopedic implants, advantages 161
orthopedic implants, disadvantages 161
recycling and re-usable 269
titanium in 26,
see also
Osseointegration 83, 146-147, 159-160,
and bone/implant interface 193-199
definition, mechanism, understanding 194
Osteoarthritis 219
Osteoblast phenotype expression 132
Osteocalcin 237
Osteoclast activation 119
Osteoclastogenesis 119
Osteoconduction 162, 324
osteoconductive apatite coatings 192
Osteogenesis 324
Osteoinduction 324
Osteolysis 118, 161
Oxidation and oxides 81-97,
see also
air-formed oxide 82
anatase-type 87-88
anodic oxide films on, electrochemical
dissolution 94
blood plasma protein interactions with,
studies 176
brookite-type 87-88
cathodic reduction behavior 93
chemical treatments causing 84
crystalline structures 88-90,
see also under
Crystalline structures
formation 81
growth, stability, and breakdown 91-94
in cellular behavior of osteoblasts,
composition and characteristics 177
influences on biological process 86
nature and properties 84
oxidized implants, osseointegration of 196
pit generation on Ti 94
reaction with hydrogen peroxide 94-97
rutile-type 87-88
structurally sensitive
in situ
methods for 85
surface treatments effects on 169
uniform film formation and dissolution,
kinetics 93
unique applications 91
P/M (powder metallurgy) 295
advantages 296
technique 410
to modify the surface zone of implants 296
PACVD (plasma-assisted chemical vapor
deposition) 131-132, 357
PAD (plasma arc deposition) 400
Parabolic rate constant 352
Passivity/Passivation 84-85
at elevated temperatures 85-86
definitions 82
repassivation capability 85
repassivation kinetics 44
stability 46-47
transpassivation 43
PBM (porcelain-bonded-to-metal) 259
PBS (phosphate-buffered saline) solution 39, 96
PC (polycarbonate) 257
Peening technology 301
Percutaneous and permucosal implants 186
Peri-implantitis 224, 240
peri-implant bone healing 162
peri-implant bone 147
peri-implant disease 58
Periodontal membrane 232
PET (polyethylene terephthalate) 173
PFM (porcelain-fused-to-metal) 259
Phase 6
Physically toxic entities 130
Photo-catalytic function 91
PI 3 (plasma immersion ion implantation or
PIII) method 321
pI3&D (plasma immersion ion implantation and
deposition) 174
Pitting corrosion, in Ti-based implant materials
Placed implants, success rates of, factors
influencing 160
Plaque biofilm removal 141
Plasma nitriding technique 132, 175
Plasma spray method 192, 329, 329, 331,345
corrosion behavior 326
plasma-sprayed HA-coated devices 325
porous 238
Plate form dental implants 159
Plunger-retained prosthesis 233
PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) 257, 267,
354, 402
PMN (polymorphonuclear neutrophil
grannulocytes) 337
Polarization process 43