Варну два года тому назад. 3. Он ездил в Москву на этой неделе. –
Когда он ездил? – В понедельник. 4. Мы встретили много интересных
людей, когда были в отпуске в прошлом году. 5. Я уже купила
билеты. 6. Он ведет машину в первый раз. 7. Это самая красивая
страна, которую я посетил. 8. Я еще не заказал билеты, но я сделаю
это сегодня. 9. Ты видел Джона сегодня? – Нет, сегодня я его не
видел, но видел его вчера. 10. Николай прочитал все пьесы Шекспира.
XX. Study the table “The Functions of that”. Translate the sentences, pay
attention to the functions of that.
1. I feel that he has told the truth. 2. The territory of the Ukraine is larger
than that of Byelorussia. 3. From that window you can see large buildings of the
University. 4. The rivers in the western part of our country are not so long as
those in the eastern part. 5. She has a feeling that she has forgotten to do
something. 6. That day in the middle of August was his last day in Paris. 7. He
knew that his father disapproved of his interest in natural history. 8. That man is
very proud by nature. 9. Who’s done that? 10. When I’ve finished my work will
you remind me of that? 11. The fact that you denied it was unexpected. 12. That
art reflects reality is known to everybody. 13. The fact that the environment
influences people is no longer disputed. 14. In English there are many words
borrowed from the French language. That is a result of the Norman invasion of
XXI. Form nouns with the given suffixes. Translate them into Russian:
-er to buy, to sell, to work, to write, to travel, to found, to
-or to direct, to invent, to translate, to visit
-ment to agree, to develop, to pay, to govern, to achieve, to
punish, to equip, to move
-ance (-ence) to depend, to correspond, to guide, to attend, to differ
-tion to emigrate, to liberate, to radiate, to examine, to prepare,
to combine, to illustrate, to separate, to exhibit.
XXII. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the underlined words.
1. She finds great enjoyment
in music. 2. After a long discussion the
delegations came to an agreement. 3. I haven’t enough money today to make the
payments. 4. A writer of plays is called a dramatist. 5. A journalist’s profession
is called journalism
. 6. The laser measurement of distances has become a new
method in the exploration of the Earth-Moon system. 7. Lomonosov was not
only a talented scientist, but a materialist philosopher as well. 8. K.Tsiolkovsky
was a practical inventor who made his own laboratory equipment.
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