1. Наиболее популярные виды любимых занятий -
коллекционирование марок, открыток, этикеток со спичечных коробков,
значков, камешков, цветов, ракушек, монет и книг. 2. Одним из полезных
хобби является коллекционирование аудиозаписей. 3. Некоторые
увлекаются фотографированием. 4. Некоторым нравятся видеофильмы, и
они запечатлевают на видеокассетах интересные случаи семейной жизни.
5. Можно собирать записи опер, легкой музыки, народных песен и
IX. Answer the questions:
1. What is your hobby? Say a few words about it. 2. When did you first
become interested in it? 3. Have you got any interesting collections at home?
4. What collections have you (your parents, your friends, your sisters and
brothers) got? 5. What kinds of hobbies do you know? 6. What is the most
popular hobby in our country? 7. What is the most popular hobby among
Englishmen? 8. Do you belong to any hobby group (club)? 9. What is your
favourite pastime? 10. Do you take much interest in sports? 11. Do you happen
to take interest in making things? 12. Do you often take photos?
X. Many English verbs and some nouns and adjectives are used with certain
prepositions. Sometimes the verbs and prepositions have special idiomatic
meanings, e.g. "John tried to get out of doing his homework." (avoid); and
at other times they keep their usual meanings. Remember that the gerund
form of a verb must be used after a preposition. Read the story carefully
and look for examples of verbs, adjectives and nouns used with
Peter’s hobby
Peter is fond of listening to the short-wave bands on his radio. He likes to
search for interesting foreign radio stations. When he discovers a new station he
writes down the details in a notebook and marks the place on a large map of the
world. Peter's cousin, Alan, is also keen on finding foreign radio stations. In fact,
Alan and Peter are having a competition to see who can find the largest number
of different stations.
Peter's mother occasionally complains about the noise he makes, and the
other day his father turned off his radio because he was tired of the peculiar
sounds that came from it.
However, Peter's hobby helped save someone's life last week. He was
looking for new stations between the 19 and 16 metre bands when he came
across a very faint signal in Morse Code, "SOS... SOS... SOS... Mary Jane...
Position latitude 40°N, longitude 14°W. ... Sinking fast... SOS..." A yacht, the
Mary Jane, was in trouble in the Atlantic. Peter wrote down the details, then
rang up the police and gave them the information. The police told the Navy and
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