involved two twice-differentiable functions rather than one analytic one. Not sur-
prisingly, the theory of functions of a complex variable is intimately related to the
solution of Laplace's equation in llt2 and Chapter 5 provides several illustrations
of how this theory can be put to practical use.
3.4.3 Parabolic equations
In the parabolic case, the characteristic equation (3.20) has a double root and
there is only one real characteristic variable. If we choose q to be this variable,
so that (8q/8x)i + (8q/8y)y = 0, then, on substituting into (3.26), ry = 0. As
always, there is some freedom of choice for a and, if a # 0, we may conveniently
choose t = x so that a = a (if a = 0 we choose
= y, since then c 0 0). But
ry = (a 8q/8x + b 8q/8y)2/ a = #2 /a and hence ft
=\ 0. The canonical form is thus
8 22 = G
\t, q, u,
8t , aq
The subtlety of this case is illustrated by contrasting the parabolic equations
0 and 82u/8t2 = 8u/8q. The former, although trivial, behaves like
a hyperbolic equation because the general solution is t f (q) + g(q), where f and
g are arbitrary, and hence this solution is uniquely defined by Cauchy data on
any non-characteristic, i.e. any line excluding q = constant;33 the latter, which is
called the diffusion equation or heat equation, is so complicated as to occupy much
of Chapter 6.
We remark that, as often happens in applied mathematics, degenerate cases
are best understood by taking judiciously chosen limits of non-degenerate ones.
Here, a good idea of the kind of data that should be applied to parabolic equations
can be gleaned from the limit of the hyperbolic equation
as a -a 0. This equation is an example of what will be studied in Chapter 4 as the
telegraph equation; its characteristics are q f of = constant, and we expect that
well-posed data would be, for example, the prescription
u = f (0, = g(f) )
on the non-characteristic q = 0. However, the characteristics are shown in Fig. 3.3,
suggesting that u may change much more rapidly in the q direction than in the
direction. In fact, if we neglect t derivatives altogether in (3.38), we obtain the
approximation 34
u rs f (0 -
which suggests that, when q is much bigger than e, the solution has 'forgotten'
about g(i;) and only remembers the data u = f
We will verify that u = f is
"Recall that we have seen in §§2.4.2 and 2.4.3 that systems with a double characteristic can
exhibit the structure of hyperbolic systems.
34 Technically, there is a 'boundary layer' on q = 0.