weak solution emerges in which the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions are satisfied
across any shock waves that are present. The concept of viscosity is a stronger
one than those of causality or entropy because it even allows us to predict the
Rankine-Hugoniot conditions as well as selecting a unique limiting solution as the
viscosity tends to zero.
2.5.3 Other discontinuities
A much more general discussion of discontinuous solutions of partial differential
equations will be given in Chapter 7. That chapter is rather lengthy, mostly because
of the delicate nature of the subject, and there could be no better example of this
than the modelling of gasdynamic shock waves in the presence of chemical reactions
which are localised near the discontinuity, which is then often called a detonation.
In this case, the right-hand side of (2.4) is replaced by a localised source term,
which means that the Ranldne-Hugoniot relation for the energy changes from
(2.49) to
('Y-1)P 2 J-
where E is the prescribed constant energy per unit mass released during the reac-
tion. When E is zero, we can, as mentioned above, derive non-unique weak solu-
tions in which [p)+-, [p]± and [uJ+ satisfy the Rankine-Hugoniot relations (2.49).
It can be shown that we can rearrange these relations into
ry + 1 - (ry - 1)/p
(7 +
1)/3 - (7 _ 1)'
where p and p are the ratios of the downstream to the upstream pressures and
densities, respectively (upstream referring to gas that has not yet traversed the
discontinuity). Thus (p, 1/p) lies on a hyperbola called the Chapman-Jouguet
(C-J) curve, as shown in Fig. 2.16(a), with the point (1,1) corresponding to the
upstream condition. The unique causal weak solution corresponds to p > 1, 1/0 <
1, which is why the lower half of the C-J curve is shown dotted. All points on the
upper half represent admissible shocks.
However, when E is positive the denominator in the p, p relation is increased
by a positive multiple of E and the new C-J curve is shown relative to the old
one in Fig. 2.16(b); the point (1, 1) still represents the upstream condition. The
middle section of this curve is shown broken and is irrelevant, because it is easy
to see from the other Rankine-Hugoniot relations that, when p > 1 and 1/p > 1,
the velocity of the gas traversing the discontinuity is in the wrong direction, from
downstream to upstream. What is most important, however, is that when E > 0
we can no longer resort to entropy or causality arguments to render points on
the lower half of the C-J curve inadmissible. Compressive detonations certainly
exist, corresponding to the upper continuous branch of the curve in Fig. 2.16(b).
However, expansive `deflagration', corresponding to the lower continuous branch,
can also occur, although they are more prone to instability, as people who run
explosives laboratories know well.