However, we will soon see that in the vector case n > 1, (2.24) is no longer sufficient
to ensure well-posedness (the `data' now being A, B, c and the Cauchy data for u).
Surprisingly, we will see that it does not even guarantee this property for linear
problems, in which the kind of singularity development described in §§1.4 and 1.5
could not occur. Thus, great care is necessary in posing appropriate boundary
conditions for the system (2.21).
In Chapter 1, a characteristic was defined by the characteristic ordinary dif-
ferential equations (1.7), for which there is no obvious generalisation to higher
dimensions. However, we can generalise the idea mentioned after (1.5), that if
Cauchy data is given on a curve which is the projection of a characteristic then
the partial derivatives are not uniquely defined on that curve. In a first-order
scalar problem, the Cauchy data defines the partial derivative in the direction of
the curve and it is the partial derivative normal to the curve that is ill-defined on a
characteristic projection. We thus define a characteristic (projection) of a system
by this property, and henceforth we will omit the word projection when discussing
the characteristic projections of a system.'s
With this definition, a characteristic of AOu/Ox + BOu/Oy = c is a curve
(x(t), y(t)) such that this equation evaluated on the curve and
do not have unique solutions for Ou/Ox and Ou/8y, which means that the left-hand
sides of these four equations are linearly dependent. This is just the calculation
leading to (2.24) with a replaced by t; hence we say that (x(t),y(t)) is a charac-
teristic if
det(Bx - Ay) = 0. (2.26)
This is a quadratic expression in dy/dx = y/x and may therefore not give real char-
acteristic directions at each point, unlike the situation in the scalar case. Hence,
we already see a fundamental contrast with the cases considered in Chapter 1:
the change in type (a concept that we will make precise in the next chapter) that
occurs when the characteristics change from being real to complex is no less dra-
matic than the striking new phenomena that occur when an aircraft penetrates
the sound barrier.16 This can be seen by the following simple calculations on the
equations (2.8)-(2.10), which is an example to which we will return repeatedly
throughout the rest of the book. In this example, u has three components but the
result (2.26) generalises trivially to any number of dimensions.
"An equivalent definition in the first-order scalar case was used in (1.17) to say that, if
the first derivatives of u are smooth except for jump discontinuities, then this jump must be
along a characteristic. We will return to this contrasting approach shortly; alas, the geometrical
interpretation for a system of dimension two is in a space of dimension four, so it is less easy to
visualise than it was for the scalar case.
'sit also yet further handicaps any generalisation of the approach of Chapter 1, for complex
characteristics would have to be considered in a four-dimensional real space, just for equations
with two independent variables.