Cauchy data
Motivated by these examples and, obviously, by the principle that it is always best
to start from the simplest situation, we now develop a theory for general first-order
quasilinear equations. These are defined to be equations of the form
a(x, y, u) 8 + b(x, y, u) 8u = c(x, y, u), (1.2)
where it is important that a, b and c do not depend on the derivatives of u; we
also assume that a, b and c are smooth (i.e. continuously differentiable) functions
of their arguments.
Suppose that r is a curve in the (x, y) plane; we define Cauchy data to be the
prescription of u on r. It is convenient to write this boundary condition in the
parametric form
x = xo(s), y = yo(s),
u = uo(s)
for al <, s <, 82.
Here xo, yo and uo are smooth2 functions of s such that there is no value of a for
which xo(a) = yo(s) = 0, the prime denoting differentiation with respect to s.
The boundary value problem of finding a continuously differentiable function u
satisfying (1.2) and (1.3) may be interpreted geometrically as that of constructing
a surface u = u(x, y), in the space (x, y, u), called the integral or solution surface,
which satisfies (1.2) and passes through the boundary curve defined by (1.3). This
is an obvious extension of the initial value problem for an ordinary differential
equation, which requires the construction of a curve (i.e. a graph) passing through a
boundary point. For an ordinary differential equation, say a(x, u) 8u/8x = c(x, u),
this is generally possible unless a = 0 at the boundary point, and for the partial
differential equation a subset of boundary curves is unacceptable for a similar
If we differentiate the boundary data with respect to s along the boundary
curve, then we find
, 8u , 8u ,
uo =
8x xo
+ 8y yo.
Equations (1.4) and (1.2) evaluated on r, where a, b and c are known functions of
s, are two simultaneous equations for 8u/8x and 8u/8y on r. Hence 8u/8x and
8u/8y are determined uniquely on r, provided that the determinant of coefficients
ayo_bxoS0 foralls1 <, s<, 32-
X10 A
If this condition is satisfied and if a, b, c and the Cauchy data have Taylor series
at each point, it can easily be verified that the partial derivatives of u of all orders
are defined uniquely by the Cauchy data and the partial differential equation,
and a Taylor series expansion for u(x, y) about a point on I' can be constructed
2When xo, yo or uo, or a, b, c are not smooth the problem needs a completely new approach,
as we shall see in §1.6.