the actual characteristics of the load under steady state, are good for steady state analyses only,
although it is common practice to use constant I for active load and constant Z for reactive load
in stability studies, and constant P for both active and reactive load for power flow studies. In the
absence of accurate data on load characteristics, it is common to assume what is believed to be a
pessimistic representation. However, a model that produces pessimistic results in some situations
might produce just the opposite results in some other situations. Some examples are given in [2].
Some loads, especially the electronically controlled loads, recover to nominal voltage level
quickly after a drop in voltage and so might appear to be proper candidates for constant P
representation in stability studies. While in some situations this may not affect the study results,
in others this might lead to misleading conclusions. This is not necessarily a problem in very low
voltage situation since in most stability programs constant P load is changed to constant Z load
below a threshold level for computational expediency.
In the ZIP model commonly used in dynamic analyses, the Z part is valid if the load that it
represents is constant Z. However, the I and P parts are not valid representations for any load in
dynamic analyses. The reason is quite simple, although easily overlooked. No real load behaves
as constant I or P in the dynamic state. Following a disturbance when there is a transient change
in voltage, loads, that are constant I or P in the steady state, will also go through a transient
change before recovering (if they can recover) to their steady-state level. The recovery may be
fast or slow, but this needs to be accounted for in the model. Since the constant I and P models
do not account for this transient, they are incompatible with the rest of the system model. The
results obtained with the IP model are therefore theoretically invalid. They may look normal,
and occasionally they may even be comparable to what would be obtained using a legitimate
model for these loads. Usually, when the IP part is a small fraction of the total load, the
discrepancy is negligible, but the problem is there.
In general dynamic simulation studies, due to the nonlinearities, it's difficult to show analytically
the problem one can experience when using a theoretically invalid load model. However, let us
perform this thought experiment. Consider a single generator transmitting power over a double
(or triple) circuit transmission line (assumed loss-less) and serving a constant power load. (This
one-machine-constant-power-load system has been used in voltage stability studies on many
occasions and reported in the literature.) Since the line is loss-less, the generator output power is
identically equal to the power drawn by the load. Now suppose a disturbance is created by
tripping one of the lines. Since the load is constant power, the generator output also remains
constant following the disturbance. The generator, therefore, does not feel the impact of the
disturbance. The problem with constant power load should now be apparent. For small
disturbance analyses, when the system is linearized, an analytical demonstration of the problem
is possible [6]. Similarly, it can be shown that in the exponential load model an exponent value
of 1.0 or less is invalid [7].
Normally the IP part of the ZIP model is used to represent the induction motor loads (and other
loads that tend to recover to constant I or P) that are too numerous and whose characteristics and
parameters are not readily available. This is neither necessary nor desirable. If the load is
induction motor, it should be represented as such. If a bus is serving too many of them, they can
be lumped, using whatever information is available. In the absence of accurate data, default
model and parameter values can be used. At least it will be closer to reality. When the load is a
large industrial motor load, the relevant data for any of the standard motor models would be
available. As regards other constant (steady state) P and I loads, it may be possible to construct