K = 5.5
and the q axis component
= 5.42
Therefore the total damping is
K +
K = 10.92
Note that the contribution to damping due to the additional damper winding is substantial.
Effect of voltage regulator
The effect of voltage regulator can be included in the analysis following the procedure described
earlier. However, in the presence of damper windings on both d and q axis, the expression for the
damping coefficient becomes extremely cumbersome. It would be more expedient to work out
the individual steps and arrive at the final value of the damping coefficient numerically. As
before, it may be noted that the voltage regulator has no effect on the q axis component of
machine damping, although the q axis damper windings will contribute to the reduction of the d
axis component of damping due to voltage regulator action. As before, it can be shown that the
presence of the q axis damper winding will result in a greater reduction in the d axis component
of damping due to voltage regulator action.
Supplementary Stabilizing Signals
As seen earlier, certain excitation and system parameter combinations under certain loading
conditions can introduce negative damping into the system. In order to offset this effect and to
improve system damping in general, artificial means of producing torques in phase with the
speed are introduced. These are called supplementary stabilizing signals and the networks used
to generate these signals are known as power system stabilizers. For example, a fast acting, high-
gain voltage regulator, although useful for improving transient stability margin, often depletes
the generators' natural damping, thus rendering the system response highly oscillatory. When the
use of such a high-response regulator-exciter system is indicated from a transient stability
consideration, the resulting system oscillations can be minimized or eliminated by employing
power system stabilizers.
Stabilizing signals are introduced at the point where the reference voltage and the signal
proportional to the terminal voltage are compared to obtain the error signal. The signal, usually
obtained from speed, frequency or accelerating power, is processed through a suitable network to
obtain the desired phase relationship. Such an arrangement is shown schematically in Figure 6.8.
Fig. 6.8 A schematic diagram of a stabilizing signal from speed deviation