Channel changes at gages both upstream and downstream of the reservoir were
plotted to separate dam effects from any underlying trends.
Streambed degradation will be limited by armoring, reduced peak discharges,
sediment inflow from tributaries, and grade control points along the bed such as bars,
bedrock, or artificial sills and barrages. The river below a dam will evolve toward a
new equilibrium condition, typically influenced by more than one of these factors. The
reduction in peak discharge not only reduces the rate of transport, thereby
prolonging the period of channel adjustment, but it will also reduce the size of
sediment required to armor the bed. The bed will degrade until enough coarse material
has been uncovered to stabilize the surface for the post-impoundment slope and discharge
conditions. Mathematical modeling is the most appropriate method for evaluating
these parameters and their impact on the evolution of the streambed below the dam.
In some cases, coarse sediment constituting as little as 1 percent of the bed
sediment may effectively control the bed profile, as in the Colorado River below Glen
Canyon Dam where the profile is controlled by cobble bars (Pemberton, 1976). For
example, Crystal Rapid in the Grand Canyon is created by a field of boulders and
smaller debris discharged by a small but steep tributary during storms. At high flows
(1600 m
/s) this formation produces gigantic standing waves and an adrenalin rush
for rafters.
Channel width can increase, decrease, or remain constant below the dam. In the
21 rivers studied by Williams and Wolman, channel width decreased by as much as
90 percent and increased as much as 100 percent at different cross sections.
Channels below dams are often affected by the encroachment of vegetation when
large channel-forming discharges are reduced or eliminated. Large flows are
necessary to scour sediments and vegetation from channels, and when flood flows are
reduced the channel width may also he expected to reduce in size, other things being
equal. Encroaching vegetation can block part of the channel resulting in reduced
channel conveyance, faster flow velocities in the channel thalweg, and greater channel
depth. On the Republican River in Nebraska, vegetation decreased the channel
capacity by 50 to 60 percent in some reaches. Examples of vegetative
encroachment below dams are illustrated in Fig. 18.9. The period of low flows
when a reservoir is initially filling may be particularly critical, since pioneer
vegetation can rapidly encroach onto bars and "lock" a formerly braided stream into
a fixed channel (Lagasse, 1980).
Ligon et al, (1995) described the reduction of the braided reaches of the McKenzie
River in Oregon as a result of flow regulation by two Corps of Engineer dams,
which have reduced peak discharges by over 50 percent. Channel simplification and
stabilization, with vegetative encroachment, has substantially reduced the area of gravels
suitable for salmon spawning. It has also reduced the area of sloughs,
backwaters, and traces of former channels created by meander cutoffs, habitat
required for rearing juveniles.
In the rivers studied by Williams and Wolman, the bed material initially coarsened as
degradation proceeded, but this pattern could change during later years. Armoring has
occurred in the reach immediately below main stem dams on the Missouri River, and
sediment size along the Mississippi River was also expected to coarsen as a result of
upstream dam construction, especially from construction of the dams along the Missouri
in the 1950s, its greatest sediment contributor. However, contrary to expectations,
505 samples at 417 locations along the river, taken by techniques and at locations
duplicating the extensive sampling performed in 1932, showed that thalweg sediments in
1989 were somewhat finer than in 1932 (Queen et al., 1991).
Although less common, the riverbed below a dam or barrage can also aggrade
as a result of dam construction. This can occur when a large sediment load is passed