weir overflow rates; and (3) water level manipulation. The following design procedure
for achieving high effluent standards by plain sedimentation within the containment area
is based on design experience at reservoir dredging projects in the midwestern United
States (Berrini, 1996).
1. Conduct the column settling test as described above, withdrawing suspended samples
at a constant depth of about 0.15 m below the water surface. This represents,
approximately, the average quality of the water that will be discharged over the weir
with a minimum 0.6 m ponding depth.
2. From the samples, determine the detention time t required to achieve the required
effluent standard.
3. Compute the required surface area of the basin, A, based on hydraulic detention time,
t, and a 0.6-m minimum ponding depth, D, using A = Qt/D. Alternatively, compute
the surface loading rate by V = D/t, and from this compute the required surface area
by A = Q/V, where Q = pumping rate. Both methods produce the same surface area.
4. Design an adjustable effluent weir with stop logs to permit water level management.
As a rule of thumb, limit the depth of overflow across the weir to 0.15 m, which is
equivalent to a weir overflow rate of about 0.09 m
/s per meter of weir length (1 ft
per foot or 7.5 gal/min per foot).
Sediment and water chemistry conditions in some areas can produce clay suspensions
that resist settling, and in windy areas wave action can continually resuspend shallow
sediment. There are three basic alternatives. The first alternative is to pass the effluent
through a shallow vegetated polishing pond, which will have better settling
characteristics than an open water body. The second alternative is to increase ponding
depth. The third alternative is to use a chemical flocculant. When a flocculant is used, the
containment area would be constructed with a final basin, and the flow would enter this
final basin through a static mixing device where the flocculating polymer is added. The
flocculated sediment will settle into this last compartment and clarified water discharged
over a weir. The injection of polymer at the exit of the dredge discharge line is not
16.7.5 Hydraulic Efficiency
The nominal residence time in a containment area may be computed as the water volume
divided by discharge rate. However, hydraulic short-circuiting can reduce the true
hydraulic detention time or surface loading rate to a value significantly less than the
nominal value determined be geometric computations. In a perfect plug flow reactor, the
detention time of all inflowing water will equal the nominal detention time. However,
because of hydraulic short-circuiting, the detention period will vary and some of the
water and its suspended sediment will pass rapidly to the outlet, while other parts of the
basin act as dead zones (Fig. 16.14). This section outlines a procedure for estimating the
deviation from theoretical conditions (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1987).
The correction factor for hydraulic efficiency of a basin, C
, is the ratio of the
residence time T to the field residence time T
In an existing basin a tracer test may be used to determine the field residence time in the
basin and, from this, C
. Tracer test procedures are outlined by the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (1987). For new containment areas the following equation can be used: