another to suction fine sediment. Siphon dredges may be configured with a plain suction
end or a mechanical cutterhead; the cutterhead-type siphon dredge installed at Valdesia
Reservoir is described later in this chapter. There are two principal limitations to siphon
dredging. First, because of the low available head, deployment is generally limited to
areas rather close to the dam (e.g., 2 km). This distance will vary as a function of dam
height, pipe diameter, and the material being dredged. Second, siphon dredges discharge
to the river below the dam, a practice not generally permitted in industrialized countries
because of environmental concerns.
The potential use of a permanent siphon-type arrangement to pass sediment beyond a
dam has been reviewed by Hotchkiss and Huang (1995), and represents a possible
approach for bypassing sand over short distances. A permanent sand bypass system (Fig.
16.6b) can be environmentally superior to intermittent flushing, and was proposed but not
implemented at Spencer Dam on the Niobrara River (Sec. 18.4.9). Limitations inherent in
systems of this type include: (1) the lack of a reliable system to deliver sand to the pipe
without clogging by debris or heavy floodborne sediment loads and (2) limited hydraulic
gradient. For successful operation, a permanent bypass station would probably need to
have a movable suction, plus a pump if coarse sediment were to be transported. Because
of the irregular sediment transport rate, a bypass station would probably need to be
installed at a sediment trap. Sediment bypassing was analyzed by Eftekharzadeh and
Laursen (1990). The authors know of no permanent bypass installation in a reservoir,
other than a conventional siphon dredge arrangement.
16.3.3 Jet Pump
In a jet pump, high-pressure water is jetted through a nozzle, creating a suction which
entrains water and sediment. Pumps of this type have no moving parts and thus offer
improved ability to pass debris. These pumps have been used for coastal sand bypassing
systems, and might be useful for a similar type of application in a reservoir. In most
systems, the pumps are deployed from a jetty by a crane which moves the pump from one
location to another. The cost of a sand bypassing system at Nerang River entrance,
Australia, averaged $2.38/m
for the pumping of 1.3 Mm
of sand a distance of 1.2 km
during 1987-1989 (Clausner, 1989 and 1990).
16.3.4 Cable-Suspended Dredge Pumps
A number of specialized proprietary dredging systems are available which use cable-
suspended dredge pumps, including systems which also use a submerged video monitor
for precision dredging (Fig. 16.7a). A system of this type was used for dredging at depths
of nearly 200 m at Luzzone Reservoir in Switzerland, eliminating the need to lower or
empty the reservoir with the attendant loss in hydropower generation. These systems also
generate very low turbidity, making them useful for the excavation of contaminated
sediment or where severe turbidity restrictions are established. Both hydraulic and
pneumatic pumps have been used in these systems. Harrison and Weinrib (1996) describe
the application of the EDDY pumping system for the demonstration dredging of 7833 m
of medium and fine sand from Cresta Reservoir in California (Chap. 22). This system
uses a hydraulic pump to create a suction vortex, similar to a tornado, which suctions
sediment from the bed without a cutterhead. Unlike pneumatic pumps, this system was
able to successfully handle woody debris and stones. A disadvantage, however, is that