moved very rarely or not at all. However, a slight increase in velocity above this critical
condition will initiate appreciable motion by some of the particles on the bed. This
critical condition is termed the condition of initiation of motion, and is commonly
computed in terms of either the critical mean flow velocity in the vertical or the critical
bed shear stress (also known as tractive force). As pointed out by Lavelle and Mofjeld
(1987), there is not truly a precise threshold value for the onset of sediment motion.
Rather, sediment transport rate declines continuously as flow velocity declines. The so-
called "critical value" actually refers to a very small rate of transport, and has been
defined differently by various researchers.
In a cohesionless bed, sediment movement is first initiated by an individual particle
which rolls or jumps a short distance before coming to rest. This movement is followed
by similar movement of a different particle. As the flow velocity increases, the number of
particles in motion and the distance traveled before coming to rest increases, until at
some higher velocity the entire bed is completely mobilized. In 1936 Shields defined the
critical condition of incipient motion as the point of zero transport, as extrapolated from
conditions under which measurable transport occurred. Others have defined this point
using terms such as weak movement, and the condition of incipient motion is somewhat
subjective. In a bed containing a range of sediment sizes, at intermediate flow velocities
only the smaller particles in the bed will be transported while the larger particles remain
Engineering interest in determining the critical flow velocity which initiates the scour
of sediment particles originated in the design of stable (nonscouring and nonsedimenting)
earthen canals. Much of the early work in this field was derived from experience gained
in the construction of irrigation canals in colonial India and Pakistan. There are two basic
approaches to the determination of the critical condition in open channels: the bed shear
(tractive force) approach, and the velocity approach. Both approaches have a long history
of use and an extensive literature. Although the initiation of motion of bed material is
determined by the flow velocity at the water-sediment boundary, velocity at the bed is
rarely measured and there is no agreement as to the distance above the bed that should be
considered as "bottom velocity." Therefore, as a practical matter, the critical velocity is
normally computed from the mean velocity across a vertical or the cross-sectional area.
9.7.1 Bed Shear or Tractive Force
For steady uniform flow, the specific weight of a column of water can be divided into
two vectors, one oriented perpendicular to the bed and one oriented along the bed in the
direction of flow. Under conditions of steady uniform flow, the component of the
gravitational force exerted along the slope direction which causes downstream motion is
balanced by the bed shear stress or tractive force τ
, which is the frictional force exerted
on the moving fluid at its boundary. Bed shear stress is not the force on individual
particles, but the force exerted over an area of the channel bed or banks. For the small
slopes normally encountered in hydraulic problems, the bed shear stress in a wide
channel can be computed as:
DS (9.16)
For the more general case, the depth term is replaced with the hydraulic radius to give:
S (9.17)
This concept of tractive force was first introduced by duBoys in 1879 in studies of the
movable bed of the Rhone River.