velocity and floating debris. Yuzyk et al. (1992) analyzed results of 436 vertical
measurements from six sites on four major Canadian river systems and found that the
midstream near-surface sample was within ± 15 percent of the vertical mean 89 percent
of the time at five of the six stations sampled, with the tendency to undercount by about
10 percent. Data from the verticals showed that the concentrations of silts and clays
commonly displayed inconsistent and variable patterns of concentration within the cross
section, and at four of the six sites, the error in the clay fraction was greater than the error
in the silt fraction. An inconsistent vertical variation in the concentration of fines is also
evident in Fig. 8.8.
8.10.4 Laboratory Error
Errors may be introduced during the handling, splitting, and laboratory analysis of
samples. The differences in dry suspended-sediment weights determined with fast-
filtering Whatman 40 (8-µm retention) and Millipore 0.45-µm papers was examined by
Gurnell et al. (1992) on glacial discharge, who found that, as suspended-solids
concentration decreased, the error increased, from 1 percent at 1000 mg/L to 4 percent at
400 mg/L.
Probably the greatest potential for error occurs when sample splitting is performed.
Splitting is normally not required from pumped or single-transit depth-integrated
samples. However, in deep rivers large sample volumes may result and it may be
necessary to split the composited sample. Yuzyk et al. (1992) concluded that, when
suspended sediment samples contain rapidly settling sands, it is not possible to obtain a
representative subsample of a larger suspended-sediment sample, even when vigorous
mixing procedures are used, and errors on the order of 50 percent can be produced. This
sample splitting problem affects only suspended coarse particles, not fines. Chapel and
Larsen (1996) compiled information on sample splitting. In general they found that both
churn and cone splitters produced errors on the order of about 3 to 6 percent for fines, but
more typically in the 15 to 30 percent range for sands, with the splitting error increasing
as a function of grain size within the sand size class. Sample splitting is also a potentially
large source of error in the preparation of bed material for sieving.
Water chemistry greatly affects flocculation, which in turn controls the settling rate of
clays and the apparent grain diameter when computed as the sedimentation diameter. It is
always necessary to determine beforehand whether the suspended sediment samples
should be analyzed in native water or by using a dispersant, and the results should be
clearly marked as to the procedure used to aid in the subsequent interpretation of the
resultant grain size distribution.
8.10.5 Rating Curves
Sediment concentration is poorly correlated to discharge, and sediment rating curves
typically exhibit a high degree of scatter; suspended-sediment concentration in some
streams varies by nearly 3 orders of magnitude at a given discharge. However, the
product of the rating curve and a discharge time series can be used to accurately estimate
the total load over a long period of time, provided that rating curves are constructed from
a dataset that includes both the rising and falling limbs of large discharge events, and for
storms in all seasons of the year. A rating curve constructed from an incomplete dataset
should not be presumed to be correct.
Rating curves are frequently extended beyond the range covered by data, since
historical or synthetic discharge datasets often include discharges much larger than the
maximum sampled during the fluvial monitoring program. This extrapolation can be a
source of error and uncertainty, since a disproportionate amount of sediment can be
transported by extreme discharge events. Rating curve extrapolation should be based on