material than the downstream edge. Lateral variation in bed material grain size can also
be pronounced, especially on point bars. Material toward the center of the stream can be
much coarser than material closer to the shoreline. Sampling should normally focus on
the area of coarser sediment, avoiding the areas where finer material is deposited because
of a localized reduction in hydraulic energy. Consistent criteria must be used for selection
of sample locations along the entire reach sampled. Otherwise, the sampled grain size
will reflect variations introduced by inconsistent sampling criteria rather than the true
longitudinal variation along the stream caused by variations in hydraulic conditions and
sources of sediment supply.
Bed material sampling should be timed to coincide with low water so that the bed of
the stream will be exposed to the greatest extent possible. If sampling is performed
during periods of higher water, the sample sites will be limited to the margins of the
stream where the bed material is finer, and sample results may not be representative.
There is no suitable method to sample gravels in water more than about knee-deep, since
portable sampling equipment will not penetrate the stone bed.
8.8.4 Selection of Sampled Stones
Once the sample areas have been selected, there are three alternatives for selecting the
group of stones to be analyzed.
1. Bulk sampling. Bulk sampling involves collection of a volume of bed material
using a cylindrical sampler (Fig. 18.19b), a shovel, backhoe, etc. Samples from
submerged deposits should be collected in an enclosed container to prevent fines from
washing out.
2. Grid sampling. The grid or transect method uses some variant of the pebble count
technique described by Wolman (1954). The selection of individual stones from within a
sampling area for inclusion in the size distribution is randomized so that the selection
probability depends on the exposed surface area of the stone. The grid method includes
the selection of each stone at the intersection of a square grid set out using string or wire,
linear transects with sampling stations at regular intervals, or a system to randomly select
each sample stone such as walking and sampling the grain at the point of each toe, at the
point of a tossed stick, etc. Normally the sampled points should be at least two stone
diameters apart. However, if the grid is small enough that two grid points fall on the same
stone, that stone should be counted twice. If a grid point falls on fines (e.g., smaller than
8 mm), it should be noted as "fines," and a point falling exactly in the crevice between
two stones should be discarded. One variant of this method, which has the advantage of
also working in shallow water, is to bend over at each sampling point, eyes closed or
averted, and select the first stone touched (Leopold, 1970).
3. Areal sampling. This method is based on the selection of all surface stones within
a perimeter (e.g., 1 m
). Another areal-based selection method involves spray painting a
portion of the exposed bar and selecting all the painted stones. A third areal sampling
method involves sizing of stones by using vertical photographs of the bed, including a
scale in each photograph.
Bulk sampling can be used to sample the entire bed including both armor and
subarmor, or it can be used to sample the subarmor only after the armor layer has been
removed by hand. Bulk sampling is not well-suited for sampling armor because the
irregular surface layer one grain thick does not represent a well-defined volume. The
remaining techniques are suitable for sampling the surface layer only. All techniques are
oriented to randomizing sample collection within a preselected sampling area. However,