tlnin protnoted, stylolite development. Otherwise, the present
host lithology would have been destroyed by ftirther develop-
ment of the stylolite.
Traditional studies ol' stylolites have examined planar
sections cut parallel to the colutnns. Such studies have used
the resulting two-ditnenslonal images to classify stylolites
according to their general appearance {Park and Schot, 1968;
Buxton and Sibley, 1981), quantify their morphology
tising as many as five paratiielers (Railsback, 1993; Andrews
and Railsback. 1997), or measure their fractal dimension
(Drummond and Sexton. 1998). More recently, sequential
sectioning has been used to generate ihree-dimensional images
of stylolites (Smith. 2000), which detnonsirate that the sides of
columns form an anastomosing interconnected surface that
can serve as a pathway for fluids (Figure S44).
Stylolites are significant in several fields. Styloliles are
important petrologically because they modify rock fabrics
and because they generate dissolved solids that precipitate
elsewhere as cement. Stylolites are significant to stratigraphy
because weathering of stylolites generates apparent bedding in
many stratigraphic sections and because loss of material along
slylolites can cause significant stratigraphic shortening un-
related to erosion. Hydrologically, stylolites have been cited as
barriers to fluid flow and. in other settings, as conduits for fluid
flow. Stylolites are also commonly used as records of
compressive stress in tectonic studies, and development of
transverse styiolites can contribute to crustal shortening
parallel to the direction of their columns.
L. Bruce Railsback
Andrews. L.M., and Railsback, L.B., 1997. Controls on slylolitc
development: tnorphologic. lithologic, and temporiil cvidctice from
bedding-parallel and transverse slylolites from tlic US Appala-
eliians. Jmirnal of Geology. 105:
Buxton. T.M.. and Sibley, D.F.. 1981. Pressure solution features in a
shallou buried limestone. Journal of Sedinienlarv Petrolology, 51:
Drummond, C, and Sexton. D.. 1998. Fraetal strueturo of stylolites.
Journal of Sedimentary Researeh, 68: K- 10.
Golding. H.G., und Conolly, J.R., 1962. Stylolites in volcanic rocks.
Journaloj Sedintentary Petrology, 32: 5.'^4-53S.
Merino, E., Ortuleva. P.. and Striekholm, P., 1983. Generation of
evenly-spaeed pressure-solution seams during (late) diagenesis: a
kinetie iheory. Contrihiiiions lo Mineralogy and
82: 360
Park. W.C. and Sehot. E.K., 1968. Styloliles: their nattuv and origin.
Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 38: 175 191,
Railsbaek. L.B., 1993. Lithologic eonlrols on morphology of pressure-
dissolulion surfaces (.styloliles and dissolution seams) in Paleozoie
roeks from the Mideastern United Stales. Journal of Sedimentarv
Petrology. 63: 513-522.
Smith, J.V.,
Three-dimensional morphology and connectivity
of styloliies hyperaetiviited during veining. Journal oj Strueiural
Geology, 22: 59-64.
tompaetion (Consolidation) of Sediments
Diagenetic Structures
Pressure Solution
Like alluvial fans Iq.v.]. submarine fans are cniie-like
accumulations of sediment, developed at a change of slope,
generally below a single major feeder channel (though a few
fans may have more than one channel, generally they are not
all active at the same time). Submarine fans and channels,
liowcvcr, are much larger and tnore cotnmon than subaerial
and have been constructed mainly by turbidity ctirrents
and olher sediment gravity flows (see Gravity-Driyen Ma.ss
The coarser sediment is largely confined to the
distributary channels, and much of the fan may be composed
of silt or mud deposited by overflows on levees (Figure S45).
The need for a single major feeder channel to produce a fan
means that, although carbonate tnrbidites are common (see
carbonate fans are rare. The large size of many
submarine fans often produces a geometry that is constrained
by preexisting topography (which may. in turn be related to
active tectonics) so that a typical fan shape is not well
developed. In addition, examples of thick siliciclastic turbidites
constructed at the base of subtnarine slopes but lacking fan
geometry have also been described (as submarine ramp
deposits: Heller and Dickinson,, 1985; Reading and Richards,
Modern submarine fans-channel systems were first de-
scribed from offshore California in the lafe 195()s and
recognition oi small ancient submarine fans in the strati-
graphic record followed shortly after (see historical review in
1989, pp. I 4). The facies model of Mufti and
Ricci Lucchi (1972; see figure S47) esfablished a pattern for
interpretation that persisted, wifh variafions, for the next 20
Subsequent mapping of the ocean basins revealed thai
submarine fans include some of the largest geomorphic
feafures on fhe earfh's surface, reaching lengths of l,500kms
and widths of almost KOOOktns (Indtis fan: Kolla and Coumes,
McHargtie and Webb, I9S6; and see McHargue in
Weinier and Link, 1991). Such fans are much too large to be
recognizable in exposed ancient rocks, and the deposits would
be difficult to recognize even in subsurface basin studies. Large
submarine channels have been described from fhe deep sea,
with channel depths of more than a km, and widths of more
than 10 kills, flanked by levees that rise fens of" meters above
the surrounding surface and extend many kms away fVoni the
channel. Such channels are also difficulf to recognize in ancient
rock outcrops, though a few of comparable size have been
identified in stibsurface studies (Walker, 1992).
Large fans are generally composed oi finer sediment fhan
the "classical'" small fans described by Mufti and Ricci Lucchi.
and attempts have recently been made to describe alternative
fan models characteristic of finer grained lurbidite systems
(Reading and Richaids, 1994; Boutna and Stone. 2000; sec
Figure S51). It is claimed that large \olumes of sediment and
the presenee of tnud increases the "efficiency" of sand
thereby allowing more sand fo be carried through
the midfan channels lo fhe disfal fan and basin plain. Bouma
(in Bouma and Stone. 2000) suggests that fine grained fans are
typical of passive margin fecfonic seftings. with long fluvial
tt"ansport leading to deltas, and from them to the head of the
main distribtitary channel. The sand in ihem is concentrated af
fhe base of the slope, and/or is transported efficiently ihrough