short period before encrusting a firm substrate. They generally
have low growth rates and long lifespans (Reitner and Keupp,
and are some of the most evoltjtionally conservative
animals known (e.g., Pisera, 1999), Freshwater sponges are
restricted to a few lineages, and fossil spieulites and spongolites
are generally interpreted as indicators of marine environments
(Hooper, 2000). Sponges are most common on temperate
carbonate shelves, within reef and rocky substrate environ-
ments, and within muddy, low-energy environments (van Soest
etal., 1994). Their general preference is for oligotrophic, low
energy, fine-grained, low sedimentation-rate environments.
However, sponges exploit many different habitats and such
a diverse and evolutionally conservative group of animals will
have developed species-dependent environmental controls
(e.g., Maldonado etal., 1999). Paleoecological issues deserve
considerable further investigation.
Sponge-dominated deposits have previously been inter-
preted as indicating deep and/or cold-water environments
(Beauchamp and Desrochers, 1997) due to modern hexacti-
nellid spiculite and spongolite accumulations in arctic and
antarctic regions (Conway et al., 1991). However, fossil
spieulites and spongolites, including hexactinellid commu-
have been interpreted as shallow and warm (Gammon
etal., 2000), and the presence of hexactinellid and demosponge
faunas throughout modern oceans, including tropical assem-
blages, suggests modern sponge habitats may not be repre-
sentative of the past because of the inability of modern
sponges to compete with more highly evolved organisms such-
as photosymbiotic corals (e.g., Levi, 1991; Tabachnick, 1991).
The presence of shallow-marine deposits composed primarily
of deep-marine sponges also suggests that water-depth is not a
major control factor for sponges (Gammon etal., 2000).
The modern ocean is undersaturated with respect to silica,
leading to rapid sea-floor dissolution of sponge skeletal
remains. Additionally, carbonates and silica buffer solutions
to substantially differing pH's. Opaline biogenic silica is
therefore generally unstable within predominantly calcareous
sediments, and vice versa (Johnson, 1976). Siliceous sponge
assemblages are probably significantly impoverished by
diagenesis and assemblage reconstruction is particularly
Spiculite and spongolite
Modern Arctic and Antarctic spiculite and spongolite deposits
contain matted, interlocked spicule-mat textures developed
on glacial moraine substrates in deep shelf localities (Conway
etal., 1991). The very high length:width ratio of interlocked
spicules produces a cohesive sediment structure that resists
erosive currents and provides greater substrate aeration which
promotes microbial populations. The resulting muddy, micro-
bially-infiuenced matrix may be a good analogue for ancient
spicular mudmounds. Ancient spieulites are occasionally cross-
bedded, but more commonly massive, possibly due to such
spicule networks. Detailed textural work on spieulites is a
promising avenue for further sponge community research.
Modern lithistid localities are muddy, deep shelf localities,
which is consistent with muddy spongolite deposits in the rock
record (e.g., Wiedenmayer, 1994). Such fossil sponge faunas
represent in situ assemblages, but are often poorly preserved
due to diagenesis. There are no modern analogues for ancient
calcareous or siliceous sponge reef/bioherm spongolites (e.g.,
Reitner and Keupp, 1991). These have coarse-grained whole
and fragmented sponges with or without copious synsedimen-
tary cements. Interpretations exist for both deep and shallow
waters reefs (Vacelet, 1988), consistent with the generally large
depth ranges and nonphotosymbiotic metabolisms of modern
Spieulites and spongolites have been formed repeatedly
throughout the Phanerozoic. The earliest known sponge fossils
are Late Neoproterozoic, but sponge-dominated environments
started with early Cambrian archaeocyathids, the world's first
metazoan reef builders (Debrenne, 1999). Sphinetozoans and
stromatoporoids were common reef builders during the
Paleozoic (mainly Ordovician—Devonian), whilst siliceous
sponges tended to form spongolite bioherms and spiculitic
Siliceous sponges particularly enjoyed Mesozoic tropical
Tethyan environments, where they arose to dominance
repeatedly through the Jurassic and Cretaceous (mainly
lithistids with some hexactinellids in relatively deep shelf
environments; Pisera, 1999). Calcareous stromatoporoids and
sphinetozoans made brief appearances as reef-builders, but
were not as prolific as Paleozoic forms (Debrenne, 1999).
The general lack of Tertiary spieulites and spongolites has
been correlated to the diatom radiation that is inferred to have
decreased oceanic dissolved silica, a key nutrient for siliceous
sponges (Maldonado efo/., 1999). However, sponge-dominated
sediments occur through the Eocene (Europe and Australia;
Gammon and James, 2001; Pisera, 1999). These deposits are
primarily shallow-marine deposits in unusual basinal settings,
emphasizing the Phanerozoic trend of sponge displacement to
more marginal habitats by more evolved taxa.
Paul R. Gammon
Beauchamp, B., and Desrochers, A., 1997. Permian warm-to very cold-
water carbonates and cherts in northwest Pangea. In James, N.P.,
and Clarke, J.D.A. (eds.), Cool-Water Carbonates. SEPM (Society
for Sedimentary Geology), Special Volume 56, pp. 327-347.
Conway, K.W., Barrie, J.V., Austin, W.C, and Luternauer, J.L., 1991.
Holocene sponge bioberms on the western Canadian continental
Continental Shelf Research, 11: 111-190.
Debrenne, F., 1999. The past of sponges—sponges of the past.
In Hooper, J.N.A. (ed.). Proceedings of the 5th International
Sponge Symposium: Origin and Outlook. Brisbane: Memoirs of the
Queensland Museum, 707pp.
Gammon, P.R., and James, N.P., 2001. Palaeogeographical influence
on Late Eocene biosiliceous sponge-rich sedimentation, southern
Western Australia. Sedimentology, 48: 559-584.
Gammon, P.R., James, N.P., and Pisera, A., 2000. Eocene spieulites
and spongolites in southwestern Australia: not deep, not polar, but
shallow and warm. Geology, 28 (9): 855-858.
Hooper, J.N.A., 2000. Sponge Guide: Guide to Sponge Collection and
Identification. Brisbane: Queensland Museum, 141pp.
Hooper, J.N.A., and van Soest, R. (eds.), 2002. Systema Porifera (in
preparation—a complete revision of fossil and extant sponge taxa).
Johnson, T.C., 1976. Controls on the preservation of biogenic opal in
sediments of the eastern tropical Pacific. Science, 192: 887-890.
Levi, C, 1991. Lithistid sponges from the Norfolk Rise-Recent and
Mesozoic genera. In Reitner, J., and Keupp, H. (eds.).
Recent Sponges. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 72-82.
Maldonado, M., Carmona, M.C., Uriz, M., and Cruzado, A., 1999.
Decline in Mesozoic reef-building sponges explained by silicon
limitation. Nature, 401: 785-788.
Pisera, A., 1999. Postpaleozoic history of the siliceous sponges with
rigid skeleton. In Hooper, J.N.A. (ed.). Sponge Guide: Guide to
SpongeCollectionandldentification. Brisbane: Queensland Museum,