than tektites on land, but with an average composition that is
very close to that of "normal" tektites. Microtektites have
been very important for defining the extent ofthe strewn Iields.
as well as for constraining the stratigraphie age of tektites, and
to provide evidence regarding the location of possible source
craters. Eor details see Koeberl (1994) and Montanari and
Koeberl (2000).
Tektites are chemically homogeneous, often spherically
symmetric natural glasses, with most being a few centimeters
in size. Those found on land have commonly been classified
into three groups (see, e.g., O'Keefe, 1963): (1) normal or
splash-form tektites; (2) aerodynamieally shaped tektites; and
(3) Muong Nong-type tektites (sometitnes alsocalled layered
tektites). The aerodynamic ablation results from partial re-
melting of glass during atmospheric re-entry after it was
ejected outside the terrestrial atmosphere and solidified
through quenching. The shapes of splash-form tektites include
spheres, droplets, teardrops, dumbbells, etc., or fragments of
such shapes. These are not to be confused with aerodynamical
Muong Nong-type tektites were named after the type-
locality in Laos. They are usually considerably larger than
normal tektites and are of chunky, blocky appearance. Muong
Nong-type lektites show a layered strticture with abundant
vesieles. These tektites are less depleted in volatile elements
than the splash-form tekfites.
Microtektites are, by definition, less than
mm in si/e. and
show a variety of shapes, ranging from spherical to dumbbell.
oval, and teardrop, in color they range from colorless and
transparent to yellowish and pale brown. They often contain
bubbles and leehatelierite inclusions. Microtektites occur in the
stratigraphic layers of the deep-sea sediments that eorrespond
in age to the radionietrically determined ages of the tektites
found on land. Thus, they are distal ejecta and represent an
impact marker. For example, in deep sea sediments in the
Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean in the general vicinity of
Australia and Indochina they have a stratigraphic occurrence
near the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary; this and their
composition indicate that they are indeed part of the
Australasian strewn field-
The geographical distribution of microtektite-bearing cores
defines the extent of the respective strewn fields, as tektite
occurrences on land are much more restricted. Eurthertnore.
microtektites have been found together with melt fragments,
high-pressure phases, and shocked minerals (e.g.. Glass, 1989;
Glass and Wu, 1993) and. therefore, provide confirming
evidence for the association of tektites with an itnpaet evenl.
The variation of the microtektite concentrations in deep-sea
sediments with location increases toward the assumed or
known impact location. Glass and Pizzuto (1994) determined
the geographic variation in abundance of Australasian
microtektites (ranging frotn <l to 3.255 microtektites per
cm^ in the > 125 |.tm size range), and found that the abundances
increased toward Indochina; and deduced a possible source
region in Cantbodia.
Within the past few decades the impaet origin of tektites was
established, raising the question regarding their source craters,
Sinee then, numerous suggestions and educated guesses have
been made regarding the location ofthe possible source craters
for the tektite strewn fields. Relatively reliable links between
craters and tektite strewn fields have been established between
the Bosumtwi (Ghana) and the Ries (Germany) craters, and
the Ivory Coast and the Central European fields, respectively.
Only recently, a platisible link was established between the
newly discovered Chesapeake Bay crater and the North
American strewn field. No large crater with a compatible age
has yet been identified for the Australasian strewn field. "I'he
exact process of tektite formation is still not quite elear,
although from chemical and isotopic studies it is fairly well
established that tektites have formed fYom the immediate
surface layers ofthe target rocks {cf. Koeberl. 1994).
Distal ejecta ("impactoclastic layers") can be used as
markers for impact events in the stratigraphie record. "Impact
markers'" can be deseribed as all chemical, isotopic. and
mineralogical species derived from the encounter of cosmic
bodies (such as eometary nuclei or asteroids) with the Earth, as
discussed in more detail by Montanari and Koeberl (2000).
Such markers are quite important in the detection and study of
aecretionary events in the sedimentary record, to identify their
origin, and to evaluate their possible role in global change and
on the Earth's biotic and climatie evolution throughout
geological time. Distal ejecta layers can be used to study a
possible relationship between biotic changes and impact
events, because it is possible to study such a relationship in
the same outcrops, whereas correlation with radiotnetric ages
of a distant impact structure is always associated with larger
Impactoclastic layers arc composed of distal ejecta. For
example, microtektites oecur in well-defined and thin layers in
deep-sea sediments and provide an excellent time marker. The
sedimentology of impaetoelastic layers can provide important
informatiott not only on source craters and impact proeesses,
but also on the effects (local, regional, or global) of the related
impact events.
Christian Koebcr!
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